Title: Memories
takegamiteijiroRating: G
Genre: General
Warnings: None
Summary: This was where the magic had happened, where everything that they had worked so hard to put together had become a reality.
Word Count: 218
Fandom: J-Rock
Character/Pairing: Hyde
Side Note: I've decided, rather belatedly, that I'm going to attempt the 2010 Advent Calendar Challenge, which means I will be writing 25 fics, one for each of the days of December leading up to the 25th. I have nine days to catch up on, so I should be posting more than one fic per day for a while.
Side Note 2: Inspired by the fact that VAMPS will be on hiatus soon. (;w;)
Hyde took a minute to look around before he left. Empty guitar racks, posters from venues visited what seemed to be long ago, a drum set they hadn't packed up yet, soft, mismatched rugs and pieces of carpet pulled up by too much time spent abusing it. A smile pulled at his lips, though it was melancholy.
This was where the magic had happened, where everything that they had worked so hard to put together had become a reality.
The studio held so many memories for him and the rest of his band. His crew. The good and the bad both had happened here - songs they had published, songs they had thrown away. Shouting and laughter, disagreement and bonds of friendship he was certain would never be broken - not by other bands, not by time. And because of that...
He took another look around, and this time the smile on his face was more cheerful. Optimistic. Even if he was leaving, the memories here would never fade. The memories here were of what brought them all together, strong and bright.
And, Hyde thought, turning around, locking the door behind him as he left, it was exactly those that would bring VAMPS back together, sooner rather than later.
Nothing that strong could be ignored for too long.