Title: Enumerationantagonism
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Rating: Mostly harmless. [Little bit of language.]
Genre(s): MentalDisorder!fic
Summary: Gabe blinks again, unsure if he should be offended, or take it as a compliment, or full-on burst out laughing. He feels sufficiently less nervous when he realizes that at the moment, William Beckett is having as much trouble with the whole social interaction thing as he himself usually does. It's comforting, and he's stricken again by the intense desire to talk to, relate to, this boy.
Disclaimer: If I ever did own them, I've probably lost the rights for how infrequently I use them. :[
Notes: So sorry it took so long. But just know that no matter how many months go by between updates, I promise I will not leave this story unfinished. >.> If only because my own sortofOCDlikething won't let me. HAVE FAITH! And patience. <3
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