Oct 02, 2006 02:46
past three days have been quite great..
friday last minute decision to go to Hammer to see Mike's band.
So i get there and i get lost and go the completely opposite way im supposed to be going..i end up near some male stripper place and its totally sketch!!
whatever i finally get to Copps and tabs is there w/ steph and this guy who i thought was just another friend. Nay, this is 1/3 of the Swiss guys tabs told me bout. pure coincidence that i come when theyre there. Ahahah
So we walk into MickyDees and i see two other cute guys and of course, its the other swiss guys ahaha..
They are hilarious.
Went back to Tabs' place.Drank. headed over to Casbah.
at this point steph is GONE.we get warned that we may get kicked out and i get told that if she pukes im gettin' blamed.wtf?!stupid but cute door guy. ughh
anyway, the rest of the night is one big blob. all i know is mike has proven to be yet again a sweetheart. choosen as merchgirl for his solo stuff haha. and i now know his background! ahha
-- then swiss guys, tabs and I danced to some Racket and then the Lo Fi. Crazy fun shit. with the ska and all. and tabs and i making fun of the cougars ahah..mike totally heard me too and laughed. haha
hrrmmm then walked to hess. & took cab there where Marco aka Borat was HILARIOUS.
"You are Happy?!" - its on my phone too ahah
Then i decided to stay the extra hours and go w/ them to the Skateboarding Open. Tabs was there to see Shaun..with his faux pas white jeans ahah but its okay, hes cute and forgiven.. and steph w/ Buster..WOWSERS!a hot version of gomer. i like!! ahah and just as 'old' ahhah
but whatever..it was fun.
I heart Chris Haslam! HE's AMAZING!!
Then of course i had to leave..it was sad.. no more craziness..
I only spent a night and half a day w/ those guys and i miss them already ahah theyre incredibly nice!! rico is soo nice, toby has the greatest taste in music and i love his profession hehe..and Marco is just nuts!!!
I loved it when rico was THE translator or when theyd (mostly marco) started talking to me in german as if i understood which @ times i could get the jists of it ahah.
then i had to leave as mentioned..
and now im up..just got off the phone w/ tabs, steph & the swiss boys who are @ some pub with hobos. I'm soo M.I.A right now. Not even funny. Shit's goin' down too ahahaha..Rico called me by the bartender's name and yeah..hahah its just madness..Yay Tabs. I am not mad @ you so no need for apologizing. haha.. anyway theres toby ahaha kidding. god knows what steph&marco are up to but steph told me theres def deets ahah..she was buster-less tonight but shes soooo set on seeing him again ahah. i wouldnt mind either.
Im hoping tabs (COME) comes to T.O on tuesday when the guys come too (hopefully). Im sad that im totally missing out on this charade!
ahh i miss this weekend.
Yayy to new friends!!! Rico, Steph, Marco & Toby =)
im soo fucking bored. not even funny. i have class in 12 hours ugh.