May 22, 2005 12:57
hm, so i had a pretty ok weekend. thursday i got ungrounded. i went to the chorus concert at dc with maureen and pia. that was pretty bitchin. everyone did pretty swell. and the girl sitting next to me was driving me crazy. "rosieieieieie yeahya rosieieieieie!" i wanted to shoot her. friday was pretty fun. kari and i went to her house after school, and watched the boys do their panel stuff. you could tell kam and tommy were getting frustrated with some people. ha. then we went to my house (bad idea). it was pretty boring. my parents left and jimbo, whitey and duane came to pick us up. that was pretty fun. we went to go pick alex up from work. and got lost. we were in cuba. haha. we finally found the place and had to back to alex's so he could change. duane made jimbo play "maybe i'll catch fire" it was pretty swell. thenn, we went to sam's house. we didn't stay very long though. i had to be home at 11:30. we came home, and went to sleep. saturday was pretty fun. kari and i went to maureen's, pia showed up a little later. we went on a hunt for houses that were for sale. there is one that is right down the street from maureen. that is awesome. we ran into whitey driving. so we all jumped into the car and went back to his house so he could drop off his car and walk with us. we went to a park and listened to whitey talk with his accent for about 15 minutes. it gave us a good chuckle. then duane came home and whitey left with him. so it was back to just kari, pia, maureen and i. we all kind of left at the same time. my mom and i got into a big fight also, but i don't want to talk about that. this weekend, made me relize that i should just- give up. i know nothing will happen when i want something. so i'm not even going to try. so, it's decided, I'M GIVING UP. i hate this game. it's not worth it. ♥