» Journal: take_her_hand
» Birthdate/Age: July 1980/28
» Characters Played: Inara Serra, Harley Quinn, Caprica Six
» Name: Death
» Fandom: The Sandman/DC Comics
» Reference:
» Canon Point: Present Day (after The Wake)
» Gender: Female
» Orientation: Asexual. While Death loves every single person who was ever born on a very personal and individual level and while some of the Endless do clearly at times involve themselves with humans physically, sex never seems to have crossed her mind. Even on the one day every 100 years that she spends as a mortal the most we ever see her do is plant a chaste kiss on the cheek of a teenage boy. Death as an entity is above and beyond sexuality and reproduction, it's not something that's *for* her. She's the end of life, she doesn't begin it, and so the thought has never really occurred to her to go through the motions - especially after seeing her siblings struggle with the consequences.
» Personality: Death is the person that you would like to be there at the end of your life to take your hand and lead you into whatever comes next with gentle affection. She's perky, cheerful, deeply insightful, sympathetic and she loves you like a mother or a best friend would love you, like someone who knows everything about you and accepts you even with all of your faults. She is the anthropomorphic personification of Death and the second oldest of the Endless, preceeded by Destiny and followed by Dream, Desire, Despair, Destruction and Delirium (formerly Delight). Tne siblings all oversee the areas of existence that they personify for the whole DC universe. She is especially close to her younger brother Dream and tries to help him through his problems - even if helping him through his problems includes throwing loaf of bread at his head and yelling at him for being an idiot. Even though she gets frustrated at times, though, her shows of temper are rare and well-provoked. Other times she can be downright silly (although not in as bizarre a fashion as her sister Delirium) and uses phrases like "peachy" liberally. Despite these things, there is an unshakeable inner calmness to her, an acceptance of things that they are even when those things are painful or unpleasant.
That having been said, Death has been around for a very, very long time and understands human nature and the shape of stories and destiny very well. This might come across at times as mindreading or seeing the future, but as she tells people she doesn't need to know the future. She knows how things end, after all, and that's with her. Although it seems like magic that she more or less knows everyone on a deep personal level and can usually tell what's going on and what's going to happen, she's simply been a lot of places for a very long time. She knows everyone because she was there when they were born and she has watched over them their whole lives. For the sake of avoiding godmodding though I'll limit her to only knowing characters from DC universe comics all that personally and will of course get permission for her to know anything about anyone before she's told.
She's very pragmatic about what she is, at times showing sadness for the lives that she arrives to collect ending, but she never fights her nature or the realities of what she does. The way she sees it she has a job that she exists to do, and when the last living thing dies she'll put up the chairs, close the door and lock the universe behind her. Recently in her canon Dream arranged events so that he would die and be replaced by a new personification of Dream who was part human and could therefore understand them better, something that saddened Death deeply but she didn't hesitate to play her part in things.
» Appearance: Death could look like anything that she wants to and has a tendency to match her appearance to the way other entities expect to see her. Her most common form, though, and the one that she'd take in Atia would be that of a young woman in her late teens to early 20s who looks for lack of a better word "goth". Her skin is very pale, she has a shaggy mop of black hair, she dresses in all black except for the silver ankh necklace she wears, and there is a small curled design under her right eye. As a human instead of her skin being purely white she'll at least have a little color, though.
» Knowing that characters will need to have sex to survive, and the fact that topics regarding sex in general may also arise, please explain to us the ways that your character is appropriate in mind for Amat: (Please note, this section only applies if your character was under the age of 18 before coming to Amat and will need to be "aged up") N/A
» "amatomnes" Entry: [A large eye fills the screen, looking at the camera closely. There's some sort of swirled black design curling just under that eye]
Well! This is...different?
[The view pulls back and reveals a cheerful if slightly confused-looking young woman under a mop of black hair that covers her other eye regarding the network device curiously]
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask for some help understanding what's going on. I seem to be mortal again and it's too soon, it's only been a little over ten years and while I suppose it IS a new century now I really think it's sort of jumping the gun to do it again already. I also really don't remember *deciding* to do this, and so...
Hm. I don't suppose I'm captured, am I? If whoever is doing the capturing would like to go ahead and speak up we can discuss your terms, but you should already know that I likely can't give you what you want.
» "amatomneslogs" Entry: There was a groan, and a mass of shaggy black hair emerged from under the luxurious sheets in one of the rooms at the palace.
...groaning. That was...strange.
The dark-eyed girl under that hair examined her surroundings with a confused blink. Reality seemed to have gone a bit sideways. She instantly knew that she was no longer what she had been the last she knew. She had a heartbeat, skin and bones and inconvenient yet satisfyingly springy muscle. She was mortal again, clearly.
Sitting up further, she didn't think to gather the sheets to cover her nakedness. Nakedness didn't concern her. Breathing concerned her.
Actually, no. Go back and focus on that nakedness a bit. Not only was she without clothes, she was tousled and *sticky*. She wasn't as big a fan of all of this sort of thing as her brother, but she knew the morning after some sort of sexual escapade when she saw it. Wracking her memory all she could recall were formless bodies moving together, hazy touches and odd warmth...
"Desire!" She huffed, setting balled-up fists on her hips and glaring into the air in general. This had the mark of her sibling's work ALL over it. And so she waited...
...and waited.
All right, it might not have been Desire's handiwork, Desire really didn't like to miss the opportunity to gloat. Unless it was all part of some greater plan...
Well, she wasn't going to have anything to do with it. She rose, spotting a neatly folded outfit on a nearby dresser next to a mirror. A slight oddness, something just a bit off caught the corner of her eye though, and she leaned back into range of its view with a puzzled frown.
The necklace that she wore, a silver ankh on a black beaded chain, was much shorter now. Just long enough to be worn around her neck like a choker albeit with the same symbol dangling off of it. Why would that be...
She knew better than to discount small differences like that as being things that didn't matter and the whole situation was starting to unsettle her. She pulled her black tank top over her head, wriggling into jeans in a manner she normally didn't have to bother with, and then spent some time staring at the network device she found on the dresser, trying to work out how to make it respond.