Permissions (and DEpermissions) Post!

Feb 19, 2010 11:18

Death has no special powers in Atia outside of powers events, BUT...

Death has met and personally knows everyone from the DC and/or Vertigo Universe really well by default. She doesn't use any power to discover people's names and histories, she's just known them and watched them their entire lives. BUT. Since she's currently human and her human brain can only hold so many memories of billions and billions of people, DC Universe characters can opt out of having her remember them (or their similarly-named counterparts, for movie-or-TV-verse alternates of comics characters).

Sometimes Death can remember other people from other universes, especially if they've died, but by default she doesn't. People can opt in to having her remember their names and/or circumstances under which they've died before.

SO! What I need here is permission from people in one of two flavors! Let me know if:

* You play a DC or Vertigo Universe character and you do not want Death to remember your character
* You play a character from any other canon and you do want Death to recognize your character

Character Name: Canon: Journal: Can Death remember your character? (Yes/No) Is there anything special she should know? (The name your character was born with, if your character has died and how, etc.)


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