patatoclothing update

Apr 03, 2005 01:10

Well my little goblins it has been a hectic week here.

The store should be up and running by the end of next week, I swear.

At the moment though there is a POLL up on the message board to whittle down the T-Shirt designs to just three(3) designs for the first pressing. They will all be white on black Ts ranging from small to XL. There will be only 25 of each of these. Whether or not there will be future reprintings of these shirts is yet to be decided upon, BUT what I can tell you is that they will come with the option of being signed before being shipped out to you. It is solely your decision whether or not you want my signature on them. For future runs this option will only be offered sporadicly.

Also up on the message board is a BANNER for you goblins to plaster all over the internet. The more bandwidth that gets chewed up the better!

That is all for right now. Info on the music section and Goblin Street Team will be forthcoming shortly.

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