"Intergalactic Jolly Rogering"

Jun 30, 2008 09:06

I went to the most gorgeous wedding in the history of weddings last weekend and got to meet up with some friends from university who I hadn't seen in about 5 years. The great thing was after about 10 minutes it was like we'd never been apart! I hadn't been to a wedding since I was about 7, and my aetheism meant I had absolutely not a clue how to sing any of the hymns, but the couple are completely awesome people and I had an incredibly fun time. Though oddly there was not much drinking. I guess that's what you get for going to a slightly Methodist wedding. I did, however, get to watch Hot Fuzz again, got to ride in the back of a camper van to the reception, and then got sunburnt walking around Stourport the following day.

I made up for the lack of drinking this weekend when my mum came to visit. She is such a bad influence on me. I also blame Doctor Who, which has driven me to drink in an attempt to make the week pass quickly.

As my mum complained throughout the whole episode, "There's no storyline to this at all", (to which I replied, "Shut up and watch Captain Jack"), there really wasn't. Fortunately, I really didn't care because JACK and IANTO and okay yes Gweeeeen too and SARAH-JANE and MARTHA (♥), and then of course there was the rather fetching Davros who really freaked me out because I watched Remembrance of the Daleks the other day and he looks exactly the same! Generally I was just happy to see everyone and absolutely adored their interactions.

Did anyone else think the Doctor's "BYE!" sounded a lot like Simm!Master?

And then of course;

Now was I the only one who laughed at the reunion scene? I was thinking, as they ran cheesily towards each other, made even more cheesy by the cheesy soundtrack, someone's going to die now. Oh how right I was. I was actually expecting Rose to get killed but I was pleasantly surprised. For some reason I find this scene monumentally amusing and so I have had to re-watch it a few times this morning to forget the fact that it's Monday morning.

Anyway, can't wait for next week because IANTO HAD BETTER BE ALRIGHT OR I WILL NOT BE A HAPPY BUNNY. Oh yes. And the Doctor too I suppose.

In a similar way, if this is going to be another "and then they all woke up" reset-type episode I'm going to be most displeased.

Also, Jack looks so hot with massive over-sized guns.

Finally, on Sunday I actually had nothing to do for the first time in forever so I was able to take photos in the long-promised LilPlatsic!John and LilPlastic Rodney introduce my new and shiny if slightly old and decrepit flat!

This was also the first time I had looked closely at my plastic boys and I was somewhat perplexed and amused to find that John came with a lemon. Whut?

So, to begin the tour John shows Rodney his lemon and Rodney is not amused as they sit on my kotattsu.

Moving into the kitchen, John tried to encourage Rodney to join him in the champagne flute. Rodney is unimpressed. It should be realised that someone in my family not having champagne flutes somewhere in their house is like a normal human being not having their head attached. Thus, upon discovering my lack of glasses my mum IMMEDIATELY drove me to the nearest Ikea to buy some. They are important indeed. Rodney is still unimpressed.

He is, however, slightly more impressed when John tries it on with him on the bed.

Venturing in further, Rodney meets the locals and discovers the joy of Koori no Mamono.

He then goes to tell John all about it by the antique folding screen.

Intrepid as ever, John scales the Giant Mountain of Doujinshi hidden away in the cupboard.

Finally, John protects Rodney from the scary Plastic!Lobster in the bathroom.

And this concludes today's Epic Post.

p.s. Dear my beloved son, ontogenesis and wife, cienna,

I really really liked my package of goodies and love you forever, HOWEVER you made me cry tears of distress and horror at those disturbing Kenpachi/Ukitake doujinshi. I am now traumatised for life. Thanx.

epicness, cows and associated behaviour, missions!

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