Because the Dragon Ships Them

Oct 16, 2008 08:47

I do apologise for this because really, I shouldn't be encouraging anyone to watch this crap, but the Beeb's new series, Merlin, is just too slashy to resist.

So, with evidence taken from the latest episode,the Fourth, which I like to call; "Fanfic Hurt/Comfort Cliche Goes Here", I present the case for watching.

Unsuprisingly, HI THAR HUNGARY!

Also, HI THAR MUTE HUNGARIAN EXTRA! The woman in blue though, she is not a Hungarian extra. Oh no. She is shifty. She is conspiring to commit het. Hence the shifty looks.

And here are our boys; Arthur and Merlin, who only four episodes in are already getting dressed together. (Disclaimer: Not actually what's happening in this scene, but it's what's happening in my head and that's all that matters...)

There is plot. Arthur makes Merlin dress up in silly hats in public. This has nothing to do with the plot, but is just really gay.

Arthur likes it.

Evil het-girl tricks Merlin into drinking poison. Arthur isn't keen on this idea...

He doesn't like this at all...

And when his beloved chokes and falls to the ground, poisoned, Arthur is immediately at his side.

Luckily, the het-woman is none too bright and rather stupidly left the leaf of the plant that made the poison on the side of the cup. Handily, this allows for plot, and Arthur decides it's time he went off to herocially get the antidote. There are many many worried looks and "If I don't do this Merlin will die OMG"s.

But, of course, it's super dangerous to go get the antidote flower thingie and Arthur's daddy won't let him go. There is arguing and Arthur is very whiny and angry and I think Arther-daddy gets very frustrated by his son's obvious gay...

Arthur goes off in a huff and poses moodily. Fortunately there's a fangirl in the household who convinces Arthur to go save his man...

Whilst Arthur rides off, Morgana-fangirl uses this new material to complete her latest Arthur/Merlin epic fanfic..

Meanwhile, Merlin gets all feverish. "Arrrrthuuuuur..." he calls. No really. He does. Repeatedly.

Back in Hungary the woods of danger, Arthur meets het-girl and her unconvincingly ripped dress.

Plot happens, whereby het-girl tricks Arthur and he ends up hanging from a rock face in a dark cave. Luckily, Merlin is really good at gay balls of light...

And sends one to light Arthur's way.

Despite being chased by not-very-scary spider things, Arthur takes the time to stop and pick a flower for Merlin. Which, yes, is the antidote.

"Arthuuuurrrrr... Faster! Faster!"

Back home, Arthur is arrested for disobeying his daddy and thrown in prison. He gives the flower to his dad and actually begs him to get it to Merlin. Arthur-daddy is still unimpressed by the obvious show of complete gay and scrunches the flower up, throwing it to the ground outside his cell. Arthur is very upset.

Some more plot things happen during which time Merlin pretends to die just to mess with everyone, but he's Merlin and it's only the fourth episode so there's no way it was true.

Anyway, Arthur and Morgana-fangirl's girlfriend manage to get the antidote flower to Merlin in time. Of course, Arthur must then go and see his recovering boyf.

Then they had magic healing sex. The End.

See episode for full details.

pimpin, obsession du jour

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