Graduation! And harry potter cons! And I should probably be working now....

Jun 15, 2010 19:23

Omg, I am like spazzing out over planning this summer omgggg and I just really need to stop. Okay, mainly the thing I am spazzing over is planning for Infinitus, which is ending up being more difficult to plan than other cons. Because see, I have flexibility now! And time! I am going to be there over a week. Cause wrockstock is the same planning every time, so that's easy, and Azkatraz was in San Francisco and I practically live there. But Infinitus is in Orlando, in fact, it is there on purpose with the idea that we will all be able to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. Also did you know that Universal Studios and DisneyWorld are different things? I did not, apparently, and thus was a bit confused when today I was calling my friend and trying to figure out what we were doing. Because see, in addition to the con, we want to spend some time at Universal Studios and some time at DisneyWorld, and thus a bunch of us are getting to the con super early. Exciting! Also complicating this (but in a good way) is that said friend is an employee of disneyland and thus gets a bunch of discounts and free tickets at disneyworld - but not universal studios. So this will help my trip stay cheaper, but bias my time towards disneyworld rather than Universal. Which is not a huge problem exactly, but I'm hoping I didn't just spend too much money at Universal - b/c it was the cheapest option and made sense (buying through Infinitus) I ended up getting a 4 day pass to Universal. I'm not sure I'll actually use more than 2 of those passes. And airplane tickets - all the ones left are pretty much options that suck - not b/c of pricing (they are fairly cheap yet) but b/c I have to choose between leaving on a plane at 6:15 in the morning (this would involve getting my roommate to drive me there that early, as there is no public transit that early) or overnight, which would have me getting to orlando at 5 in the morning, and having 10 hours to twiddle my thumbs until I can check into my hotel. That and all sunday flights at the end of the week suck, but we are checking out of our hotel on sunday. I don't know what to doooo....

Okay, so that was a bit tl;dr , but I'm not complaining really. A week at Universal and Disneyworld! Going to be awesome. And I'm pretty sure, especially with free Disneyworld tickets and a discounted hotel, that I can easily keep my funds for this trip less than the amount of the money I earned tutoring this quarter. Just need to figure out flights....

Also! I have graduated! This past week (finals) and past weekend (graduation and family + grandparents coming) have been so busy and hectic that I almost don't know what to do with myself now. Nothing pressing to do! Time to sleep in! Freeeeeedom. Yeah you have no idea how glad I am to be done with school. It has just stopped meaning a lot to me...I want to do my own projects now, where I actually create something instead of just memorizing and spitting out on tests. I want to have a job that allows me time to do those projects because you know, it's not a job with homework. Guess I ought to start job searching a bit...

Though I lied, sorta - I do actually have one class left. But it is not really a class, per se, because I am not taking any midterms or finals, rather it is a project that basically I need to finish by the end of july ( when I have to move out of my apartment) that counts as P/NP credit for a class. I am working with a website affiliated with my college, upgrading an earthquake database thing. Exciting! Although I haven't started it yet, cause I've been so busy with little piddly things on my to-do list, and then the big thing of planning Infinitus. I better start tomorrow, though for real.
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