Vampirefreaks kids are the dumbest people on the net.

Jul 23, 2005 16:58

Kill and I have several ways of advertising. But a new strategy was tried out last time we advertised the journal. I took it upon myself to make an account on It's sort of like Undoubtedly moronic, they both are, Vampirefreaks is geared more towards the weirdos and wannabe vampires.

To rage these "vampires" I made a profile that flagrantly made fun of them and their site. You can see the profile at this link:

As you can see, I gave myself the name "Urial" because that sounds like some wannabe teenager vampire name, and bantered on in a stereotypical fashion about the way they think. Though I was blatantly obvious in my attempt to make fun of and humiliate, I was astounded to find that these morons actually love me. I got nothing but positive comments and a perfect score on my profile.

This post wasn't even planned, but now in light of the recent idiocy it looks like I'm going to have to spell out for the morons that a joke is being made at their expense.

I will post screen shots of the profile below and circle the parts in which they are being stereotyped and critisized. (Note, if you have trouble reading the writing, just refer to the actual page to compare to. Simple.)

I have screen shotted the profile and taken the liberty of circling all of the main sections that are the most belittling to the vampirefreaks pieces of shit.

First, we have in green, myself saying that I don't bother with greetings, and then as you can see I go on to say "Hi" and introduce myself, which is a greeting. That was an intentional hypocritical statement making fun of their own hypocricy.

Next, circled in pink, we have me saying I am unique. However, after that, in an obvious stab at their so-called "non-conformity" I I clearly make fun of them by saying that I have joined a site with thousands of other drones to be even more unique. Yet again, they see right past that and comment on how "cool" I am.

Now direct your attention to the bit circled in blue. Those are my likes and dislikes. In my "likes" I clearly put that I love spending my dad's money, but then under "dislikes" I state how I hate money. Wow, did none of them catch that? Is it really necessary for me to be sitting here writing this post? Sadly, I suppose it is.

Finally, you'll see conformity circled. This one is obvious as everybody on this site is a conformist. They've conformed to being moronic wannabe vampires.

When looking at my full profile, have a look at some of the comments. It's unbelieveable how many of those turds of toast want my 2 centimeter cock. To simplify those entire post for you morons: I am NOT Urial. I am really Kenfuck, and I made that profile to advertise this site. However, it back-fired on me and you fools actually liked me, which was why this post is necessary. For fuck sake, get a clue.

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