Movie companies have had a marketing strategy for years now that's really quite simple, but really does a swell job of roping in the audiences and bringing in the cash. It's when they actually market movies as "good movies."
Stay with me here now, because you actually have to think for a couple seconds to comprehend my explanation, which I know is asking a lot. That's right, some movies are actually marketed as "the good movie of the year." Or at least one of several. You see, people are told that a movie is going to be good because the studio convinces them so. How do they do this? It's all in the marketing.
Step 1: Make it known or believed that the movie is going to be long. If the movie is long, people are going to automatically think it's of great quality just because of the length.
Step 2: Edit into the trailers and commercials the standard sequence of scenes shown in the trailer that briefly show how the lives of the characters all intertwine, the actors' rise, their fall from grace, and then a bunch of random dramatic scenes throughout the movie, and then the title of the movie. That there, is the basic formula for a "good" movie trailer.
Step 3: Finally, you add in the narrator. When promoting a movie as "good" and "dramatic" you hire that one narrator you hear all the time with the really deep and dramatic sounding voice. Whatever this guy's name is, if you want your movie marketed seriously, you higher this bozo to voice-over the trailer for you. And BAM. You have your good movie.
I, myself, am getting tired of movies marketed this way. A movie no longer has to be good anymore, just marketed as such. A prime example of this is that "Titanic" movie. (I call it Taintanic. Cute, no?) An even more recent example is that boxing movie with Russel Crowe called, "Cinderella Man." I haven't seen it, but it followed the exact marketing formula I described above. It would have done really well in the box office too had Mr. Crowe not beaten the shit out of some guy with his cell phone.
To reiterate, there are good movies, and then movies created to be good. Think about that statement for a minute and you will see that there is a difference between the two. Diarrhea time.