May 23, 2004 23:04

oh my god I miss being online. I feel like my social life has gone to shit.

Well that's not true - I still find stuff to do but!!!!!!!!! I like being able to walk to my computer and read all of your away messages and know where you are at all times! @___@ *hyperventilates*

So I got the job =) I'll be hostessing for a month or so - and he says whenever I'm ready - I can start training to wait tables - I wanted to get walking in platform mary janes down first >.>;

Also, he asked me if I had any cute friends - because they need some more hostesses for the summer, so if you guys are interested, let me know! I'd love to work with one of ya'll for the summer!!!! :D

Tomorrow I start moving into Kelly's house. SO EXCITED. Kelly's house is beautiful. The room is beautiful. My tv is so beautiful *__* I can't wait to hook up the ps2 and rot :D

Today was kelly's birthday =) We got up and went to New Branfels..Branfuls..Baunfels? O_o; THE PLACE WITH SCHL-...oh fuck it, and went tubing. It was relaxing and great to see Kacie again. The sunburn part - not so relaxing - my back is on FIRE.

Almost 11:11! *plans wish*

Ajay came up this weekend. He made me promise to write at least TWO sentences about him in here this time. Well, I had alot of fun. He drove up in the morning while I Was still showering. So he was greeting by an angry dripping kayte in the parking lot. Theeen we went down to Kingsland to visit my grandpa - he was really happy to see us. I think he was a little nervous around Ajay - seeing as it took him about ten seconds to get out 'Kayte's boyfriend.' We walked down to the boatdock and stuck our feet in the water. Well *I* did. Ajay's a wimp. It was sooo warm. Unlike the water this morning which was FREEZING. Theeeen we came baaaack and...Well I don't remember it all. But he stayed two days and there was an awesome elimidate somewhere in there (seriously! The girls were SO BITCHY!) and I was really sad to see him go =(. How's THAT for two sentences? :D

Well, now there's nobody in the business center and I'm feeling all looonely =(

Tomorrow I have to put together my outfit for work @_@; Wish me luck and give me a call if you want to come along! :D Though I will be calling and bugging the lovely dana anyway! :D

*scurries off*
Almost akon!
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