Breathe In Scream Out....

Aug 17, 2004 10:48

Im so fucking pissed off and I have no idea why.Seems like Im always mad or depressed now-a-days.Pfft I dont even know whats going on inside of my head.I just cant wait for Kyle to come back he'll make me happier.My councellor doesnt know shit she's so ANNOYING gahh! I tell her how I feel and shes like what exactly does that mean? Can you describe that word for me? Hmmmmmmm. GAHHHHH!! I just want to strangle her or hit her over the head with her stupid note pad.I shouldnt be saying these things I know but I cant help it and plus Ive got to write them down somewhere dont I? +Sighs+ She doesn't help very much but maybe she will someday.I guess I dont help much when my mind wanders off.Usually while she talks I just lo0k at her and then I think to myself I wonder what she'd lo0k like bald? Cause she has such a small skinny head and lots of hair so Im just like hmm and then while shes talking I try not to laugh.I dont mean to it just happens I have a short attention span.I seriously think I have ADD cause I try so hard to pay attention but after while Im just like laa dee daaa.Well not EXACTLY like that but you get it.(8)Die motherfucker die motherfucker die(8). The only go0d things right now are my friends and the cat that we got yesturday his name is Lee♥ he's really cute.Bleh.(8)We pushed our buttons far inside We tear our hearts out THEN WE FIGHT(8) Love that song so much. Everthing Ive Known - Korn.I dont know whats wrong with me shit.Oh well.
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