♖ Twenty-Sixth Entry § [video + optional action]

Jun 26, 2011 17:32

[Today, people (especially in the opera house) may notice that there are notes, neatly taped to various items around the area, stating things like--

"Property of Riff" or perhaps "Riff's _____" with the name of the object--or person--specified.

Perhaps he realizes he's been cursed, but there really is no helping the overwhelmingly compelling urge to make sure everyone knows exactly what is his. He's even taken to catching some of these things on camera, or maybe he just doesn't realize it's on, but currently, he's in the process of taping a note on a certain bench in the square, which, according to said note, is apparently his current favorite.]

((OOC: Riff is cursed with MINE MINE MINE :D So he'll pretty much be running around marking everything-- politely, I'm sure. And if you're his friend or something, expect him to drop by and make sure that's made known as well. ))

curse: mine mine mine, curse: grab bag

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