♖ Twenty-Seventh Entry § [video]

Jul 20, 2011 02:34

[Getting up this morning isn't turning out too well for Riff. Or perhaps it's turning out far too well, because he's certainly up.

Up, in the vicinity of the ceiling, and pulling himself down along the furniture to try to reach his Network Device again. He's still in his pajamas, and wearing a long-suffering look of patience that's really quite impatient on the inside but it would be pointless to get angry, after all. Must be a curse, right?]

Perhaps it would be reasonable to assume I am not the only one suffering from this problem this morning. I would, however, be quite grateful if any-one has some sort of remedy.

[Private text to Cain:]

I hope you are well this morning, my lord. However, I am afraid I must apologize ahead of time if I am unusually slow in my duties today.

[Not quite asking for the day off but... Good Lord, this is going to be a hassle.]

up up and away, just like in peter pan, curse: anti-gravity day, riff can fly!

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