Dec 09, 2005 17:17
So its friday.
I so am done thinking for the week. Nonstop presentations and work this entire week, not to mention trying to get the second job and dealing with financial aid.
So the cycle has fucked me big time. At the beginning of the semester I made sure to take out a loan enough to cover this school, and the remaining balance from last fall when I went to Hofstra. Sounds logical right? I thought so too.
So come THANKSGIVING I find out they didnt give me the full amount, they changed it so I could only get enough to cover this school. So hofstra is sending me angry letters. I'm like fuck. Well, I'll take my leftover money, make a payment to hofstra, and start paying them off.
Oh no, can't do that now either. In I go to register, and there's a fucking hold on my account for transcripts from NY. Transcripts which I can't get sent, because NY wants money. NY cant get the money because this school fucked me.
Gotta love the system.
So today all I can think about is going home. In a bit I'm gonna go see the chronicles of Narnia with Rigo, maybe get some chinese food or something to calm my nerves. I always get worked up thinking about F-A offices.
Finals all next week, then home the following monday. So much shit planned. I need to hit up philly for sure. Also need to go to South carolina, Vermont for snowboarding, and even Canada. I'd like to hit up a few other places, but we shall see time permitting.
So many things I want to do, so many I can't. Bah. maybe ill freak out, take a loan, pay off NY, and take another trip to Egypt. That'd show those assholes. Not to mention I'd feel good too.
Later. xxo.