i feel very happy and full of life. why? i have no idea. lol.
but this is going to be a very short and pointless post. lol.
first of all...whoever frickin left that comment about
snowpants on my last post....fuck you man. seriously. don't say shit about her like that. and if you do...fuckin grow some balls and leave your god damn name asshole. i don't care who you are or who you think you are...but seriously...whatch yourself....
but yea.
kevin and i are doing great. i really care about him. he's fun, caring, funny,...just awesome to me. treats me like i'm everything and deserve everything in the world. and i do the same for him.
shane really pisses me off cuz i mean, he treats me like shit now,..just cuz we broke up. the only tim ehe talked to me was to ask me for money. screw that man. we're done and over with...time to move on...
i talked to
falling_star05 today!! i miss her so much!! i hope everything is great for her. sge totally deserves it! i love you sarah!
but yea.
iamlucky2...i miss her...i haven't talked to her i like 49385734 days. i hope she calls me soon. i hope she's taking it easy too. my nephew will be here in not even 2 months!! i can't wait!! i love them both!!!
but i'm going to go...i gotta call kevin back