Log: In which Szadath gets to play with his offspring!

May 09, 2011 20:24

Date: Day 8, Month 9, Turn 25 of Interval 10
Summary: S'ren and Cerveath are back from Southern, hurray! Taikrin and Szadath are happy to see them. Also, whiskey.

NorCon MUSH - 05/06/2011
Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr(#276RJs)
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.
A lovely, cloudless sky offers warm sunshine during the day, though the weather turns distinctly chilly after dark.
Obvious exits:
Diving Cliff Lake [Gardens] Bowl [Far End of Lake] [Sky]

>---< Local Weather for HRW >------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp: 59 F Today's Lo/Hi: 52 F / 74 F
Belior: first quarter Timor: waning gibbous
Weather: sunny
A lovely, cloudless sky offers warm sunshine during the day, though the
weather turns distinctly chilly after dark.
>----------------------------------------< 19:18 D8 M9 T25, autumn night >---<

It's nearing the end of the day and the sun is setting, yet there's just enough left that Sho can try and enjoy the last warmth of the day. He does so by laying on the beach next to the Lake, Cerveath curled up nearby and enjoying the sun just as much as his rider. The once again tanned teen seems quite happy as he lays there with his eyes closed. Obviously they haven't put him back in a wing with drills since his return...

It is only now that the endless late-summer crowds have retreated from the lake shore that Taikrin and Szadath make an appearance. The brown's motions are strong and sure as he backwings sharply not far from Cerveath. Taikrin? She's got a little bit of a wobble to her, and her voice is overly loud as she berates her dragon. "Gonna break my /neck/ and make me /drop/ it!" Upon landing, she staggers a little, clutching a heavy bag to her side to mitigate the way it swings. "Can't you just take it /easy/ for once?"

An eye opens and Sho peers in the direction of the noise, slowly sitting up to see what all the commotion is about. "Well well lookie here. I'm gone for a Turn, come back, and yer already makin' enough noise to let the whole Weyr know where to avoid." It's all a rather large tease in the end. Maybe he's forgotten how hard she can hit? Cerveath for his party simply rumbles a greeting to his daddy, the small blues slow whirling eyes watching the commotion with no small amount of humor.

Szadath ignores Taikrin entirely, choosing instead to fix an intense study on Cerveath. His greeting, when it comes, is purely mental: dull roars of cheering, a feeling of welcoming back a long-lost teammate. His rider swings around gracelessly, brow furrowing. "Sho? The shells you doin' 'round here?" She stumps towards the bluerider, her gaze as studying as Szadath's-- even if it's a little bleary. "Little early to catch the snows."

"Well they'd told me you'd left so I came back." Sho replies easily. Apparently his wit didn't mature with the rest of him. "I finished my term at Southern, so I came back ta share all my new training. Didn't think you'd get away from me ferever, did ya?" He asks, finally standing and offering her a grin. "It's nice ta see ya Taikrin." Cerveath becomes quite ecstatic at the welcome back, enough to stand and return the mental shout with his own happiness, and also nudge the big brown with his snout, letting Szad know just how happy he is to be back.

Perhaps the hulking brown should be more gentle with his slight offspring-- but he isn't. He jostles against Cerveath in a friendly kind of way, buffeting him with a wing. It's like a slap on the back. Sort of. "Hah, me, left. That's a good one." Taikrin lets out a snort of laughter, then drops down rather abruptly to sit in a graceless heap besides S'ren. She smells, quite clearly, of alcohol. "Training, huh? What kinda stuff d'you learn down there, anyways?"

How to kick your ass. Well that's what he'd like to say. "Oh, ya know, different kinds of drills, how to not get sun stroke...the normal stuff." Sho peers down at Taikrin as she plops down and he scratches his head a bit. "Ya didn't have ta get drunk just ta come see me." He says bluntly, smelling the alcohol and piecing it together with the rest of how she's acting. He sits back down as well and tilts his head. "Are you okay?" His eyes shift to the bag she had then and he reaches out towards it. "Wha'cha got in there?" Cerveath manages to keep from being beaten as he jumps around with the brown, his smaller form allowing him to be a bit more nimble. At least enough that even the buffeting that starts to knock him back he manages to turn into a little turn before jumping back at Szad and nudging him again, a little harder this time. Play time with daddy! WOOHOO!

"Ain't for you, kid, but here--" Taikrin digs into her bag and pulls out a brown bottle, passing it over without hesitation. "-- plenty to go around. Now it is! Welcome home, like." She props her forearms against her knees and studies S'ren's face more closely. "Y'look like Southern was good for you. Learnin' stuff, huh. How'd y'all do in drills? Anything new an' exciting?" Szadath's love for them /is/ a thing of legend, after all. The brown bellows his approval, though nudging against him is a little like running into a boulder. He tags back, once more, and then is all at once aloft, muscles heaving, with a distinct mental sensation of /go/ and /chase/ and /test/.

S'ren takes the bottle once it's offered and he looks at it skeptically, then looks at Taikrin, then finally shrugs, pops the top off, and takes a swig. "Whoa...what is tha'?" He asks, blinking a few times and looking at the bottle again...then taking another swig before answering her other questions. "The drills'r a little different, just cause they have ta do more since there's no cold down there and not as much water, so they actually do sweeps a little differently." Pause. "Well, not that it matters anymore with Thread gone." Another swig. "Other'n that, nothing really. Pretty much the same." Well, except he's finally grown into his legs and his face looks less like a kid. "What about you. What trouble you been gettin' into while I was gone?" He offers the bottle back now. He's not going to hog it. Cerveath bounces back from the tag and lets out a bellow as Szadath takes to the skies. He crouches and is up in a flash, the little blue sailing towards the brown with all the speed of the push off the ground.

"Whiskey," is the succinct reply. As if it could be anything else! "Huh. Guess it makes sense, not bein' all /that/ difference. Dragons're dragons." Taikrin takes the bottle back, knocking back a couple of shots worth in one easy motion. "Trouble? Me? Never." It's said with a derisive snort, which she proceeds to follow up with, "Chasin' queens and catchin' greens, mostly. Been quiet. No big. Lost a mark and a half at cards the other night, biggest thing what's happened all summer." The words are smooth behind the twang the alcohol brings out in her accent, as if well-rehearsed. She tips her head back to watch Szadath powering through the sky, dipping in and out of thermals with practiced ease as he leads a merry chase towards the spires. "Szad's been good. Restless, though. Y'know how it is." Beat. "You get a chance at a green yet, by the by?"

Sho chuckles, "You not in trouble? I dun believe that one bit." He says, leaning back on his hands to help prop him up so he, too, can watch the fun in the skies. "Well I guess ya can't catch 'em all, eh? Only needed the one queen really. Made some pretty good kids." Not that he's biased. As he watches Cerve follow the brown without missing a beat, he shrugs a bit. "Guess my thoughts about the Weyr partyin' once I left wasn't true. Figured you'd all be glad ta be rid'a me fer a bit." There's a pause as Cerve catches a thermal and rises high, then tries to drive down towards the big brown. "A few." Is the answer to the last question. "Hasn't caught any yet. Guess that's the only bad thing 'bout bein' the smallest. He can out-acrobatic 'em, but they just have more power when it comes down ta it."

"Ehhhh, they're not bad, I /guess/, for a bunch of dragons nobody reckoned'd hatch," Taikrin teases, gently, as she watches the two chase with more than a little enthusiasm. "He'll get one soon, way he's lookin'. Been doing speed training? Probably train like a green, yeah? Out-acrobat 'em s'right." She takes a pull from the bottle reflexively. "Weren't no thing. I mean, guess it was good for you, goin' to Southern? Whatever works, you know? Ain't gonna make a fuss forcin' someone to stay when it ain't gonna work for 'em. Can't chain people up. Make 'em do what you want. Don't work." She blinks, confusion passing briefly across her face, then lets out a coarse laugh. "What about /you/? Catch any southern girls?"

"Well they certainly would'a lost that bet. Seems they hatched pretty good. Not sure 'bout the dad though." S'ren teases, watching the two dragons still with an amused look. He glances back down at Taikrin and shakes his head. "'fraid didn't do much more'n drills and enjoy the weather. It's nice ta not be pastey white like you all 'gain." But then he blushes ever so slightly and looks towards the lake, a good distraction. "I may've had a fling'r two." There's a pause as his normally quick retorts take a little longer on this subject. Finally he looks back to Taikrin and bats his eyes lovingly, "But ya know yer the only girl fer me." He says, reaching out as if he's going to touch her cheek, but really he's just trying to steal away the whiskey bottle.

"Hah! Good for you, kid." Taikrin might be laughing, but she's also fliching away from the hand that's getting too close to her cheek, leaving the bottle ripe for the stealing. "Glad t'see you growin' up, playin' all the fun games now." But she's not afraid to show all her teeth with a pointed grin, either. "Grown-up means I can kick your ass and nobody's gonna call me on it, neither. So's you better mind your manners!" Szadath has decided turnabout is fair play-- since Cerveath has pretty much caught up, he flips around in as tight a turn as the brown can muster and begins barreling right at the blue. Chicken!

Sho takes a long swig from the pilfered bottle and snorts. "Grown up means I can kick /yer/ ass now. I've been practicin'." Cerve has no problem playing chicken, and he doesn't move till the last moment, his wings flipping so that he skims just above the big brown and avoids getting smashed to pieces in a move only a small dragon could make. After that, however, Cerveath lets out a sad croon and sweeps back around to land near Sho. "Really? She wants ta talk now? Figures." He mutters, taking another swig of the whiskey before handing the bottle back to Taikrin. "Have ta go fill them in on what I learned at Southern. Knew my free time wouldn't last long." He says, pushing himself up again. "It was good ta see you 'gain Taikrin. I'll have ta show ya how ta fight sometime later." He says, turning to Cerve and mounting the blue for the quick flight back to their weyr. "Try'n stay out'a trouble until then, 'kay?"

"Any time you want to try your luck, kid, you just let me know," Taikrin drawls as S'ren gets up to leave. Fingers wrap tightly around the bottle, and she cradles it in her lap as if it were something precious. "Yeah, yeah, run off. I'll be around. See you tomorrow, maybe, at the Snowasis?" Taikrin's home away from home! Szadath lets out a bugle, clearly impressed with Cerveath's tactics, and begins a set of lazy spirals that will eventually return him to the lake shore.
"Sounds like'a good idea. I'll see ya then." Sho says, "On both beatin' ya up and the Snowasis." He offers a wink to Taikrin and looks over his shoulder to wave to Szad before Cerve pushes off to take them back to their weyr.

!glacier, sho, cerveath

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