Log: Herdbeasts on /fire/!

Apr 19, 2011 22:03

Date: Day 13, Month 7, Turn 25 of Interval 10
Summary: There is a herdbeast on fire on Iskiveth's ledge.

Dragon> An errant thought blows by, drifting like smoke on a cold winter's breeze. It's not strong enough to wake a sleeper, nor to even command attention, but it does contain a ghost of an image: a lump of something is on Iskiveth's ledge, and it's on fire. (Szadath to Iskiveth)

Dragon> Lazy sun-bathing has kept Iskiveth out for most of the day but she's aware enough that the smoke doesn't pass by unnoticed. Down by the lake, clinging to the warmth of the sand, she lifts her head to look toward her ledge. Her own fire chases down the breeze to demand more than just a passing thought. (Iskiveth to Szadath)

Dragon> To Iskiveth, Szadath couldn't possibly be more full of smug satisfaction if he tried: the image resolves, some, into what might be a (thankfully dead) herdbeast. But it's definitely on fire, hair burning outright in places, and just smouldering in others. He urges, << Hurry! >> - fire doesn't last forever, after all.

Dragon> Her desire to stay curled up in the warm sand is quickly overwhelmed by her desire to see the herdbeast burning. It doesn't take long for the pointy queen to be landing on her ledge to watch the fiery destruction of skin and flesh with an excited whirling of her eyes. (Iskiveth to Szadath)

Dragon> The brown is indeed hulking around on the ledge, wings mantled as if to protect the flame from view. Once Iskiveth is landed, he manages to cough out one last tiny tongue of flame onto the charring herdbeast, then steps back to enjoy his creation. The smell is pretty horrific to human noses, but to draconic senses? Maybe it's not so bad. Smugly, << Saved it special. >> The firestone, that is; Glacier was apparently running flame drills this afternoon. (Szadath to Iskiveth)

Dragon> If dragons could swoon and if Iskiveth were the sort to do anything so mushy, she might do it now. << It's beautiful! >> You know, only the way that a burning herdbeast could be. The small gold shoulders up against the brown to catch a bit of smouldering hindquarter with her talons before she's bumping her head against his neck affectionately. Ignore that fanciful image of a live herdbeast on fire running around the feeding pens in terror. (Iskiveth to Szadath)

Dragon> To Iskiveth, Szadath is totally The Man. He puffs himself up, muscles flexing such that it's a solid mass of dragonflesh that Iskiveth nudges against. His wing extends in a move that's really more proprietary than affectionate, but from him? It's as close as he ever comes. << Thought it might taste different, with fire. Better. >> Live herdbeasts on fire? He doesn't vocalize, precisely, but there's definitely an impression of /future/ and /later/ tagged back. The flames have mostly died down into a bunch of smouldering, smoking embers, though one occasionally flares back up.

Dragon> While Iskiveth is most definitely pro-fire, she can't help pointing out, << If it tasted all that much better, everyone would do it. >> That's certainly not to say that she's at all opposed to trying it, however, and in the next moments she's hovering over the smoldering carcass to hold it down so she can pull off an experimental bite. (Iskiveth to Szadath)

Dragon> To Iskiveth, Szadath pauses to consider, during which he makes something of an uncomfortable rumble. << Well. Taikrin likes it when it's on fire. >> It's a weak argument, though, and he's rather more interested in Iskiveth's opinion: << What does it taste like? >> He's trying very hard to ignore the rumbling in his second stomach, though the sound is audible.

Dragon> Chewing is only done as necessary and Iskiveth takes several bites before she can fully form her opinion on the matter. << The blood doesn't flow as much. And it tears oddly. But it still tastes like herdbeast, I suppose. >> Burnt skin aside. She sits back, leaving it open for Szadath to taste for himself while she still licks the inside of her mouth to get rid of the lingering remnants of charred beast. (Iskiveth to Szadath)

Dragon> << The blood is the best part, >> Szadath mourns. He does lower his head to take a small bite from a particularly blackened section. << It is still herdbeast. >> The meat is swallowed with a little difficulty, and he nudges the rest towards Iskiveth with a nonchalant, << I've got too much ash. I had to keep it, to keep the flame. >> And without much further ado, Szadath slinks over as casually as he can (which is not very!) to deposit the stinky mess churning away in his gut. (Szadath to Iskiveth)

iskiveth, !glacier, szadath

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