Log: In which baby dragons are adorable when hungry

Nov 09, 2010 18:59

Date: Day 3, Month 3, Turn 24 of Interval 10
Summary: Cerveath is learning to hunt, and Szadath has some sage words of wisdom for his son. Taikrin is less wise.

NorCon MUSH - 11/8/2010

Feeding Grounds, High Reaches Weyr
Wedged between the lake and the rest of the vast bowl are the dusty feeding grounds. Here, the well-trampled ground is contained by a sturdy wooden fence, cutting right through one end of the lake to section it off into a muddy watering hole for the animals. Several gates allow people in and out, while at the back, large overhangs of rock provide the herd -- a mixed bag of herdbeasts, wing-clipped wherries, and fat porcines -- shelter from storms or the hot sun. What grass survives is usually bloodstained, but feeding troughs are stationed around the edges of the pen.
Heavy rain in the middle of winter only means that the temperature is only a few degrees above freezing; it's more miserable for the soaking torrents.
Obvious exits:

It is a winter night, 21:15 of day 3, month 3, turn 24 of Interval 10.

It's late, cold, and pouring rain. Three things that does not go well with S'ren. It'd be very unlikely to find the now 16 Turns youth out in such a downpour, but there he is, leaning against the gate to the feeding grounds, watching as Cerveath more or less tries to calculate his next attempt on the small herdbeast he's been after. The blue doesn't seem to mind the rain at all, and more likely then not enjoys to some small degree forcing his Lifemate to wait for him in the cold.

At least it's rain, and not snow: Taikrin seems well prepared for the weather, hunkered down as she is beneath an oilcloth poncho that makes her somewhat difficult to pick out as she approaches the fenceline. Szadath is more distinctive, though he seems perhaps a bit leaner these days. But his exhuberance is unmistakable as he soars overhead, dropping amidst the general herd with a roar. It might even spook the older beasts set aside for the weyrling dragons' own consumption-- it certainly sends the main body of beasts scattering, leaving him to pick one off completely at his leisure.

Amber eyes look towards the dragon that startles the flock with a grimace as the other beasts do indeed scatter some, causing Cerveath to get agitated. He'd almost had it planned out...really. Now he has to start all over again. The brown gets a look from the young blue, but it doesn't hold his attention long as hunger attacks. << You interrupted my plan. Now I have to start all over. Please stop scaring my food. >> Comes the calculating baritone, directed at the brown in question. Now, back to his studying. S'ren recognizes the brown after a few moments but doesn't bother to look around. Dragons do often eat without their riders after all. He too has a poncho on that keeps most of the rain at bay...but in this downpour it's just not enough and he's truly soaked underneath already. Probably the reason he looks so gloomy.

Taikrin is content to draw up besides S'ren, leaning forward to rest her poncho'ed arms against the railing so she can watch the carnage. "Nice night." Szadath looks up, his jaws gory with herdbeast, and directs his whirling blue gaze at the younger dragon. << Plan must've been pretty bad then, >> he remarks, not unkindly. There's an air of affection, less paternal and more proprietary, in the mental swirl of cold that he sends whipping around Cerveath. It's an affectation that harkens back to Iskiveth, though with cold instead of heat. << Don't think, just do. Running meats are delicious. Don't you want one? >>

S'ren starts as Taikrin is so suddenly upon him, and he glances over at the brownrider with a frown. "I guess if yer a fish it might be." He mutters, looking Taikrin over before he looks back out to Cerveath. "Haven't seen ya in a while. Thought ya must've got all sad an' left after the eggs hatched." A semi-tease. Cerveath studies the herdbeasts near him with a critical eye, trying to see beyond where they are now to where they will be when he moves. << The plan was good until you wrecked it. >> It doesn't seem to matter to Cerveath that this is his daddy. He's more interested in his food at the moment. << And of course I want one, but what good would chasing it around do? >> Yes, very calculating. << Best to plan and then attack. >>

<< Chasing is all the fun. Especially because you are very small, and you must run very fast. >> Szadath knocks the last of his herdbeast down the hatch before taking a flying leap to land by Cerveath. He takes exhaggerated care, as though he might step on the smaller dragon by accident, then lowers his head to peer eye-to-eye at the blue. << You /are/ really small! You need to spend more time running. And eating. Then running again. >> Words of wisdom from Szadath-the-mountain. "Y'ain't gonna be rid of me that easy," Taikrin shoots back, her dark-circled gaze sly. "Got lots of wing stuff t'make up for, y'know. Ain't got all day free t'play with you all."

A soft snort comes from Sho at Taikrin's words and he looks at her sideways, "Yea', jus' been waitin' fer ya ta come an' make things all fun an' such." He drawls out, his words oozing with sarcasm. "I bet yer just mopin' cause ya don't have all yer babies anymore. They're all gettin' bigger." Except for Cerveath apparently. At this rate he might not even be rideable. Well okay that's a bit of an exageration but Sho finds it hard to believe he's going to grow /that/ much. Of course, as Szad lands it sends the old and young beasts scattering again, practically deflating Cerveath as he turns to match eyes with the big dragon. Despite his size he doesn't at all back away from the bigger dragon. Sounds familiar... << Not all of us can be beheamoth's, oh father. >> The baritone voice states dryly, but he does seem to warm up a bit as his daddy brown is so near. << Fine. I will try it your way. What do you suggest? >>

"Don't you be snotty," Taikrin advises, a scowl twisting pale lips even paler. "Weyrlin's ought t'be respectful, ain't Meara told you so?" Szadath's enthusiasm is dampened not a jot by Cerveath's attitude. << Yeah, well, a blue won't be so big as me. But you can still be big. >> His head twists, studying the scattered herd from Cerveath's much lower perspective. << What do you think you should do? >> His normally booming mindvoice becomes yet louder, taking on the odd aspect of having its own echo. << I think you should pick one and chase and grab its leg and then /eat/. >> Wings mantling, he hops back a (Szadath-sized) pace, then rumbles his encouragement. << Pick that one, it looks very slow. >> An image of one of the older herdbeasts, limping on one leg, is offered.

"Yea she's told me. But then 'gain it's you were talkin' about. Everyone's got their limits." This is an all out tease as he looks sideways at Taikrin and grins, eyes half closed against the rain as he does so. Seems weyrlinghood hasn't changed him in some aspects. Although there hasn't been much said about Sho being in trouble lately, so maybe some good has come out of it. "Aww, I'm just teasin' ya Taikrin. Somebody's gotta do it." He says, reaching out to try and clap her on the back. One change that's happened is he has grown a little bit more, and while he's not visibly putting on muscle there is a bit more strength in him. Cerveath watches as Szad hops back before turning to look at the beast that's pointed out to him. He lowers himself down a moment before lunging forward at the beast...and nabbing it. But it startles the beast enough when it bucks a few times that it pushes Cerveath back. Poor small dragon.

At first, Szadath is content to merely watch, still crooning his over-loud encouragement. But when the beast escapes Cerveath he bounds forward, crouching down once more. << You okay? Got any battle wounds? Shake it off! Go get him! You should take revenge!! Nobody gets to beat you up! >> If duty has left Taikrin worn out and ragged and a little thin, well-- it's no worse than she'd been in the sevendays before the hatching, at least. "Yeah, well, 'spect you're sleep-deprived and you ain't got no idea what you're sayin', anyways. How're you two comin' along, like?" she asks casually, though she's got half an eye on Cerveath's antics. "You sure he's cleared for this sort'a thing? Mite small, ain't he?"

Sho's eye actually twitches a bit at that 'small' comment. "Yeah, he's cleared fer it. This's his first time though. And just cause he's 'small' don't mean he ain't got a bite." Of course Sho is not a good example of this himself, but...well, he's talking about his lifemate, not himself. But then for that other part...the weyrling looks back at the blue in the pen. "It's gettin' better. We kinda...disagree on some things. An' he's always gettin' inta trouble because he just wants ta 'try' some things." A soft sigh. "It's like watchin' a kid sometimes." Like he's one to talk. Cerveath looks up at Szad, giving his head a bit of a shake, << I'm fine. Just threw me off is all. >> He doesn't seem to be getting too worked up despite Szad's coaxing. He does, however, turn to try and this time he uses a bit of both the blind diving in to feed and his planning. It works rather well as the little blue darts forward again rather swiftly, biting the beasts leg on one side before jumping and spreading his wings to jump on the things back. Lacking two legs and distracted by the biting the herd beast goes down rather easy and with one calculated bite his meal is dead. He doesn't wait to start eating, either, but immediately starts tearing into the juicy beast. << This is much better then the pre-made tidbits. >> The baritone has an undertone of satisfaction and a bit of blood lust at the kill.

"Well no, see-- I only mean, I ain't so sure he's gonna be able to-- oh. Well." Taikrin subsides once Cerveath has actually succeeded, a faint grin twisting a corner of her lips upwards. "Hard t'remember Szad bein' so small. Him an' Iskiveth got us into trouble, y'know, breakin' into th'pens 'fore they was cleared. Guess we near gave Meara a seizure-- but they had fun. First-ever trouble they ever got into t'gether." First, but obviously not the last-- and it makes Taikrin go a little misty-eyed. << Nice! Isn't he hot and delicious and good? >> Szadath shares his impression of a fresh kill, a blend of emotions and sensations colored all over with raw enthusiasm. As if for emphasis he leaps briefly into a glide, coming down hard atop a second herdbeast to continue his meal. << Just wait until you can /fly/. >>

"Ain't gonna be able ta what?" Sho asks, eyes narrowing slightly as he looks back to Taikrin warily. Yeah, he doesn't really want to hear about what might now happen, obviously. But Taikrin is saved the answer as Cerveath tears into his beast, then leaves it half eaten as he watches Szad take down another. His eyes are whirling faster as he watches the big brown. << Yes, it is so good. I want to do it again. I will fly like you! >> The blue scrambles upwards, standing on the post of the fench with his wings out for balance before he launches himself into the air...and falls flat on his face. "Cerveath!" Sho says, leaping the fence and running towards the blue.

<< Chill out, little blue. Don't think you're supposed to fly yet, you know. >> Maddeningly enough, Szadath shares the feel of flying, of whistling wind and muscles pumping and wheeling freedom. << You have to drill and run and eat, first. >> Taikrin gives a start, launching herself over the railing before she catches hold of her reactions and continuing at a more sedate pace. "Oi, you got t'keep better hold of 'im! What're you thinkin', lettin' him try that? Like as not you're gonna get him hurt, y'know!" she rounds on Sho, all concern and bluster. "You get 'im hurt when I'm here an' they're gonna come an' kick /my/ ass over it."

Sho is there next to Cerveath in an instant, sliding the last foot or so in the mud and taking the hood off of his poncho, ignoring the rain in order to look the blue over with concern. The blue picks himself up after a few moments, seeming to be a bit stunned but mostly all right. He opens his wings and gives them a shake to try and get the mud off, and Sho helps out carefully. "Shut up Taikrin, how 'bout ya worry about somethin' else fer once 'sides yerself." He snaps back at the brownrider before thinking, still focused on the blue and not even looking at Taikrin. << I appear to have gotten a little too excited. >> The blue responds to the brown, folding his wings back once Sho has cleared them of mud. << I think I almost had it though. Maybe I should try again. >>

And then Szadath is there, looming, wings spread in a way to shield Sho and Cerveath -- and Taikrin, when she gets there -- from the downpour. << Easy, easy. Isath doesn't think it's your time, yet. You should finish your dinner and get bigger instead. >> But even he has a baleful eye for Taikrin, who flushes ruddily at all the flak and merely offers, "He okay? Nothin' hurt?" Her voice is gruff, pitched low, and she doesn't come too close. "Better keep better control of your dragon, weyrling. He's gettin' ideas, maybe you ought t'take 'im back inside."

Sho is busy checking the blue over, but it becomes evident that besides being a little surprised he's fine. The weyrling finally breathes, not realizing he'd been holding his breath most of the time. A hand runs through his soaked hair, thankful for the cover from Szad. "He's fine." The youth seems relieved by this and whether or not he realizes what he said to Taikrin, he doesn't add anything to it. Instead he just points towards the pen. "Get back in there and finish yer meal ya dumby. Don't scare me like that 'gain." The blue gives a shake to rid himself of the last of the mud and then looks up at Szad. << Yes. Maybe you're right for now. I am still hungry. >> Between Szad and his lifemates prodding the blue turns back to the beast he'd previously killed. He hops over the pen with little effort, spreading his wings only enough to keep from falling over and then he's back on the beast, blood covering his muzzle as he chows down.

Szadath drops his head to nose at Cerveath, warm breath gusting over the small pair. << Good. Eat. >> That done, he settles back on his haunches, though his wings remain obligingly half-unfurled. "Good, good, glad t'hear it." But Taikrin doesn't sound terribly glad; she presses against Szadath's side, faux-casual, and looks at a spot just over Sho's shoulder. "Looks like y'got things under control S'ren, an' me an' Szad better be gettin' back up, early mornin' sweeps an' all, so's if y'don't need an escort back or nothin' best we be takin' off."

Sho watches after Cerveath as the blue eats happily, tearing the meat free and chewing it down, letting out the occasional slurp. It's not until Taikrin speaks again that Sho turns to look at her, running his hand through his hair again. "Yeah...thanks." He says, his voice hinting at the anger he'd felt moments before. He has trouble meeting Taikrin's eyes, staring at the ground. "Look...Taikrin...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it..."

"No, S'ren, it's fine." Taikrin's gaze remains averted; a moment later, she backs along Szadath's side to head towards the fence, maintaining her new-found formality. Even the brown looks irritated with it, streaks of orange invading his otherwise calm gaze, and his wings snapping back to his sides. << Enjoy your meal, little blue. >> She lifts a hand in farewell. "Y'gotta take care of your lifemate. S'cool. See ya around."

!glacier, !weyrlings2, sho, cerveath

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