Log: In which there is a post-hatching feast!

Oct 23, 2010 13:44

Date: Day 1, Month 1, Turn 24 of Interval 10 (post-hatching)
Summary: The weyrlings all show up to their post-hatching feast! Taikrin is as pleased as punch with herself. Whose your daddy?!

NorCon MUSH - 10/22/2010

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr(#350RJs)
Stalactites hang high above this enormous cavern like a jagged chandelier or an inversion of the Spires themselves, but shadows cling to them instead of light. Below lie great tables arranged in rows, each large enough to serve a fighting wing, while in the nooks and alcoves around the cavern's edge sit more sensibly-sized tables, from six- and eight-seaters down to intimate spots for just a couple of diners. The only really open space is around the kitchen entrance, smelling of food and rarely quiet, and by the nearby serving tables with their long buffet of the day's offerings.
Tapestries on the smooth walls -- some faded and others newly woven -- only slightly mute the sea of sound when a meal is in full swing, but they add cheerfulness augmented by the glowlight from wall sconces and the centerpieces of each table. Still, shadows always creep along the ceiling and into the mouths of the exits -- the myriad small hallways at one end of the cavern and, at the other, the twisting tunnel to the bowl near an array of coathooks and and hatracks -- and late at night, when the glows are allowed to dim, the chamber can seem very dark indeed.
Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns Kitchen Bowl

With the eggs hatched into twelve perfect (and one slightly less-than-perfect) hatchlings, festivities are well underway! Well, slightly muted festivities: there's food, but some of it looks suspiciously like remnants from the turnover feast, and there are as many people drunk as there are those still nursing hangovers. But the atmosphere is joyous in a way that it hasn't been for quite some time, what with weyrlings and families all celebrating together. Even Taikrin is celebrating, though she's only /sipping/ from her glass of whiskey as she chatters to a couple members of her wing.

Silarra has claimed her own mug of beer already, sipping at it in an effort to get rid of whatever hangover still lingers. Taikrin is spotted and she heads over towards the brownrider. "Congratulations. Relieved to be off the sands with them all hatched?"

What's a party with S'ren? Probably a better party then one with him. But that's besides the point. The amber eyed weyrling enters the Living Cavern with Jolie in tow, pausing once he's in to look around. It's only a brief moment before he's off looking for food, just nodding to those that congradulate him in passing. It's odd having people look at him when he's not in trouble.

Jolie is following into the area behind S'ren, probably getting him to release his hold of her arm before they arrived. Usually in situations like this, she makes a quick line towards the drinks table. However, this time she's pausing on the threshold and giving the drinks table a look that is pure mournful. She then catches up to S'ren, nodding briefly with a tight-lipped smile to those that send congrats her way as she passes them by. Once reachin S'ren's side, "Yer uncle here?" she asks, looking about the crowd as if she herself would be able to spot him out. Nevermind the fact that she never met the man.

"Shells /yeah/ am I relieved!" Taikrin turns, whiskey sloshing over her fingers as she gesticulates enthusiasticaly. "Did you /see/? Two bronzes, an' one of those browns was a /monster/ too! I /said/ they would be fine, didn't I?" Malformed green is conveniently ignored in favor of being smug about the other twelve. "Szad, he don't screw around." She pauses, gaze raking over the cavern fruitlessly, then turns back to Silarra. "Saw that boy of yours ended up on-- a blue, was it?"

M'sar heads in from the bowl.
M'sar has arrived.

S'ren already has his plate half full with a variety of leftovers, mostly veggies and the stray piece of meat just to add a little difference in. But he tends to stick to veggies mostly. The boy glances back at Jolie as follows him over and he blinks, not having thought about it. Amber eyes scan the room slowly, looking for signs of either of his remaining family members, Uncle or Father. He doesn't seem too surprised when he doesn't see either of them there and he only offers a shrug before looking back at the food and grabbing more veggies. "No, he's not. What about you? Anyone come ta see you?" He asks

Silarra nods over to Taikrin with a grin on her face. "Liniath proved herself there, at least. He'll be a good rider." Silarra sounds sure of it as she takes another sip of her beer. "It as a good group, even with that little green." She'll even mention it. And then S'ren is spotted in the crowd. "Give me a minute. Speaking of that boy, I need to go say congratulations." And Silarra will slip of, heading over to intercept S'ren.

"No one's here for me," Jolie answers that with certainty, and there's no indication of how she feels about that, either. She's just stating facts. Her own plate is sparse, choosing meatrolls and greens at the most before she's moving away and looking for a place to sit. She doesn't seem sympathetic or surprised to hear his answer either way, but she does look his way and gestures for them both to find seats. Dark eyes sweep over the crowd, examining certain one closely until her gaze lands on Taikrin.

"Sure she did," Taikrin agrees, readily. "Reckon I ought t'say somethin', too." She's happy enough to trail after Silarra, letting the smaller girl plot her way through the crowds. She must have caught Jolie's sentence, because she stops by the new weyrling with a broad smirk. "Aw, I'm here for you baby!" Grievances forgotten-- maybe. There's still something reserved about her posture. But-- "How're two of my little babies doing?" Apparently she means... Jolie and Sho. Er.

S'ren peers at Jolie oddly for a moment, but then just drops it as he follows after Jolie towards the seats, again offering just a smile and a nod to anyone that congratulates him. Really he doesn't see why it's a big deal that people would all be gathered for it like this but...oh well. He pauses as he spies Silarra heading his way and he offers a warm smile in her direction, letting Jolie get away for the moment.

Food nor celebration seemed to have been M'sar's aim, which can be deduced merely that he has none of the former and is indulging in none of the latter by sitting so quiet and out of the way. Only a couple of feet, really, from the new chattering group of two fellow weyrlings and two older, he's easy to pass by. Hands dropped into his lap, he slouches more out of practice than tire or shyness; really, his eyes are especially alight as he watches everyone who isn't seeing him.

Silarra moves to give S'ren a quick hug. And she's actually intiating the contact in public. Amazing. "Congratulations! It's not Sho anymore, so what do I say when I curse you?" She teases before adding. "What's he like? Besides asleep." There's another sip from her beer as Jolie nearby gets a nod, too. "Congrats."

Once she heads towards a table that seems free, Jolie finds her path blocked by Silarra and Taikrin. Since the brownrider addresses her words since she heard, it brings the weyrling up short as she lifts her brows at her. Studying that broad smirk, "My day is complete," she drawls to that, keeping her tone light as she passes a glance towards both Silarra and S'ren. "Finally a woman is here for me. Thanks." The last gets tacked on specifically for Silarra along with an incline to her head. Back to Taikrin, as she spots M'sar out of the corner of her eye, "Babies?" she repeats with a blink. "Tac is fine," she deliberately misinterprets. "He's sleep. Ya must be beside yerself, though. No defects, no...duds." There's a slight edge to her tone but for the most part, in the public eye, she's staying neutral. Adding this more casually, "I suppose there will those looking to congratulate me. Later." Eyes hold meaning there, but she tacks on that same smirk Taikrin sports, appearing easy.

"Babies," Taikrin confirms with no small amount of smug. "Me an' Szadath made /your/ dragons, so now /I'm/ your daddy." That's right, who's your daddy? Taikrin's your daddy! "They're all perfect, just like we said, ain't that right Silarra?" She cuts a glance towards the greenrider, smirk deepening as she catches the tail-end of that hug. "Oi, hands off the babies! They ain't allowed t'have no funny business, if I recall right." Jolie's reference to-- others-- tightens Taikrin's jaw, but she's determined to brush it all aside, at least tonight. "Saw a couple of your other friends did okay for themselves." Luckily both Kaitlin and M'ron appear to have stayed in the barracks-- though Dov is circulating somewhere, looking angry. "Y'all did okay."

S'ren is actually kind of surprised by the fact that Silarra hugs him where people can see. He half expects to also get tossed onto the floor even though he didn't initiate it, but so far he's still on his feet. "He's...awesome." The boy says, his answer for both Taikrin and Silarra's questions. "He's smart and...he likes ta try things." That much at least he's gathered. Strange as it might sound. Silarra's question on his name gets a chuckle, "Well yer still just gonna call me Idiot Boy. So what does it really matter?" He teases, but then says, "S'ren. My name is S'ren." Jolie gets a glance as he catches some of her words from where he stands, but he says nothing. Not now, at least. As his eyes travel back to Silarra he spies M'sar in the corner by himself and he frowns a bit, then nudges Silarra gently and nods towards M'sar. "Think we need ta help someone over there get outta the corner."

Silarra rolls her eyes at Taikrin. "I gave him a hug. It's not like I was having sex with him in the living cavern." She states. Apparently, it's okay to make crass comments. Just not to show actual affection. "Smart, huh? Sounds like a good balance for you, Idiot Boy." She teases before she adds, "You'll be off your rocker tired, but watching them try things for the first time is still amazing."

M'sar's corner is a good corner; it makes for some wonderful spying. Such good spying that, hands still idle in his lap, and head turned to acknowledge a glimpse of Jolie, he doesn't appear to notice that /he's/ being noticed. Just as his foot begins to tap idly on the floor, he glances even further away from S'ren and that bit to survey the rest of the caverns, as if for the first time. Everything is absorbed, but there's a certain unacknowledged lingering where public displays of affection and doting family members are concerned. Where there was a hint of a scowl for the hugging going on so close by before, he's only the face of neutrality now -- neutral but /something/ inside.

Jolie visibly bristles at the fact that Taikrin's calling her her daddy, but keeps her posture calm. "So I guess ya'll be the one deliverin' the spankin's?" she returns, her tone tart before she snorts. "Already got a daddy, baby, but Tac wouldn't mind havin' one. What's up with that green?" Yep, she's mentioning the green one aloud when Taikrin makes that perfect clutch statement, and she'll even appear concerned, too. To the last however, "They sure did," she agrees on the others doing okay, the smile a secret one. "Ya should go by and congratulate them." Beat. "If ya wanna be daddy of the turn."

Taikrin really seems to be enjoying how uncomfortable she's making Jolie-- she's even forgotten that she has a glass of whiskey in her hand. "Too bad, babe. I'm your daddy now. An'-- Tac? Tacuseth, ain't it? His too. You'll see." She shrugs off talk of the green, glibly... which is probably a sign of how much it's bothering her. "Dunno, didn't look, she ain't here so I reckon th'dragonhealers're on it." The hand with the glass gestures around the caverns, slopping yet more alcohol over her wrist. "Szad says he thinks they're sleepin', so-- have t'make it a private one, later. Don't need them t'be daddy of the turn--" Now that S'ren has called attention to M'sar, Taikrin takes it as cue to smirk at him, gesturing, "Reckon Mynar or whatever he's callin' himself now's happy t'have me for a daddy. Ain't you, boy?"

"Although if ya want, Taikrin, I'm sure that could be arranged." S'ren says, wriggling his eyebrows mischeviously at the brown rider. "Wouldn't want ta dissapoint ya after all." His attention returns to Silarra then, still grinning from his comment to Taikrin before Silarra's words seep in and he hmms softly, "Well I am kinda tired, but not too bad." Pause. "He wants ta try and see if dragon's'll stop itching on their own without oil. That'll be the first time I've seen something like that." Well she did mention first times. And he sounds like he's going to help his little blue wit hthe experiment. At that point of M'sar still sitting there all alone S'ren puts his plate down on a nearby table. "'scuse me." He says before heading towards his fellow weyrling and pausing just short of him, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't'cha just be here creepin' people out'n starin', come 'n visit. Get some food or at least come talk with us, yeah?" No preamble, nothing. He just...wants M'sar to join them. And even though Taikrin chipped in, well, S'ren's ready to just drag M'sar over to their area.

Silarra looks over to S'ren. "You might not want to help him with that one. Dragon hide will crack and hurt." Silarra points out before she rubs her head. "I need to go find some tea or something for this headache. Congratulations again. All of you. Don't let Taikrin convince you she wasn't doing this less than two turns agao." S'ren gets a last smile. "I'll have to catch the two of you and meet him soon. Good luck." And with that, she's wandering off.

It's to his discredit, or the evening's events real credit, that M'sar startles at S'ren's approach, having been altogether unaware of it. Eyes darting almost guiltily away from where he'd been spying on a woman hugging her son, he squints a bit critically for the offer. Though his mouth easily forms a swift, pleasant smile at the start of social interaction. Rather, Taikrin gets the first comment. Swiveling his head to see her there, he corrects, "... It's M'sar..." with a caustic edge made dull by how dreamily he applies it. This recognition of his new status helps bolster him to look at S'ren with less criticism, and a bit more vulnerability. "What, you-- want me to come talk with you? What are we talking about?"

Eyes fall on that glass of whiskey when Taikrin gestures with it, Jolie finding it hard to keep the want from her face. "I was never one to listen to -any- daddy, much less authority," she says this low, the smirk plastered on her face as her jaw tightens. "But this is yer day, baby." Raising her plate of food in a toast since she has no glass, "Be whatever ya wanna be. For now." Too many people present to cause any sort of scene, she holds her anger in as best as she can. A sway of hips and she turns to regard M'sar when everyone else does, though she notes Silarra's departure with a brief nod in farewell.

Silarra heads to the bowl.
Silarra has left.

Silarra gets a smile and a little wave as she departs before S'ren turns his focus back to M'sar. "We can talk about whatever ya wanna talk about, or nothin' really important." He says, arms crossed over his chest as he pretty much looks down at M'sar, but not in a bad way, more in a brotherly way. "C'mon come over and sit with us. Were gonna be gettin' real close now that we're all weyrlings." He says, reaching out to try and give M'sar a clap on the break. "And I'm S'ren now." He starts to sense some tension behind him then and S'ren turns to see Taikrin and Jolie and he frowns slightly, "You two okay?" He asks, not having been listening...he's just got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

But Taikrin would /love/ to convince everyone that she did this more than two turns ago-- ten turns ago, maybe, in her head. She slides her rear onto the top of the table, resting booted feet on the bench, and just smirks for all she's worth. "Weyrling, you. Gonna learn how y'gotta have proper /manners/ t'your daddy. Proper /respect/. You'll see," she gloats. "Bet M-- M'sar, eh? -- knows it already. Be good t'Taikrin, an' Taikrin'll be good to you." As if she had anything at /all/ to do with the outcome of the hatching. S'ren's frown gets an answering smile, and a quick, "What'd you name yourself again, Sho? Must'a missed it."

"S'ren," is repeated by M'sar, in a light manner that yet suggests he's filing this all away, "And that quite brilliantly colored blue, if I recall. A real bright spot, that one. We both noticed." Who? Likely the presence (luckily) sleeping in his head. It isn't clarified by the weyrling; he's too busy dutifully twisting in his seat in order to face the perched Taikrin. Batting keen grey eyes at her, his smile is at once placating and sly. "I owe m'daddy Taikrin a good deal already, do tell me if there's /anything/ I can do for you at this /very/ moment." Though the emphasis might suggest it, he avoids the pitfalls of sounding sarcastic. Instead, his lean forward against the table is quite enthusiastic in his sincerity as he plants an elbow and uses his hand to gesture flourishingly at her drink, "Another of those, perhaps? Or--" And he dips into a front pocket and pulls out a kerchief for all that noticed sloshing.

"Daddy or no," and Jolie pauses significantly, conveying in her eyes what she wouldn't dare say aloud. "Nothing's changed." Perhaps she harks to their previous encounter, to the argument that almost had Taikrin at her throat and launched her dragon to the sky. She's willing to let the rest slide though, the brownrider's words in regards to M'sar getting her open interest. To him, "Funny we haven' officially spoken before - until now," she notes, studying him critically since he clearly has a tie to the brownrider. "M'sar now, is it?" Dark eyes go from him to S'ren and back, curiosity and interest in evidence on her face.

"S'ren." The boy echoes M'sar's own saying of his name, though this time he says it for Taikrin, and a little slow as to make sure she gets it though it's obviously in a very teasing way. He picks up a tuber and chews on the edge of it thoughtfully, watching as M'sar kisses up to Taikrin while at the same time Jolie causes problems. S'ren continues to chew the tuber before he finally sets the plate down and moves over to Jolie, trying to put an arm around her shoulder in a friendly gesture. "C'mon, cheer up friend. Don't be makin' people all upset." He says semi-jokingly...but also part seriously.

This appears to be the crux of the matter: despite the tightness of Taikrin's jaw, she can smile right back at Jolie. "Yeah, reckon something /has/ changed. You'll see." There's a confidence there that'd been sorely lacking over the last few sevendays. Maybe it's partially due to M'sar's deference? She surely seems to be enjoying it. "M'sar and S'ren, huh. My little babies. Such dutiful boys, ain't they?" But she waves M'sar's offer of help away, content to slurp oh-so-mannerly at the overspilled alcohol on her hand. "Save it for later. Reckon I'll come callin' soon enough."

His name on Jolie's lips is less something for M'sar to preen and bat his eyes about, but a sharp look in her direction is almost instantly a sweet little smile. "Quite funny, really," he comments, so innocent it's wry, "Not ever running into someone, living in the same place all this time." But let there be no opinion on /remedying/ that. No, he angles his way back to Taikrin, dipping the denied kerchief away where it came from. Now his mild adoration has dimmed by Jolie's interference, letting some of the undertone peek through as he agrees to the brownrider, "Another time, then."

With S'ren putting his arm about her shoulders, that seems to calm Jolie down. "We're all golden here, ain' we?" she's putting forth towards S'ren, though it's also meant as a response to Taikrin's own words for her. Still, hard not to take Taikrin's response ominously. Turning to M'sar and slipping from under S'ren's hold without a beat, "Happens," she notes flippantly on having lived in one place and not running into someone. "I haven't stuck around. Guess we'll be seein' each other more, as well." Indeed they will. She's flicking glances between him and Taikrin even until her something catches her focus and she shakes her head a little. Taking a step back from the little group, "Which speakin' of," she adds, the crooked smirk barely forming, "looks like the little monster is stirrin'. I better go see what's up." Mockingly, there's a salute with her free hand to all present before she turns with her plate of untouched food and disappears into the crowd and hopefully, back towards the the weyrling barracks.

Jolie heads to the bowl.
Jolie has left.

S'ren doesn't seem upset when Jolie ducks under his arm, instead just watching her quietly as she leaves before he looks back to Taikrin with a small frown. "What exactly is goin' on?" He asks bluntly, again being himself and not seeming to care that he really shouldn't talk to Taikrin that way because it's not good for his health...in general. M'sar doesn't receive any of his attention at the moment as instead he just watches Taikrin, arms crossed over his chest. He knows something is going on and he's not liking it. And although he can't really stop it most likely, it's not going to stop him from trying.

"Goin' on? What d'you mean, goin' on?" Taikrin leans back on the table, gesturing grandly with her mostly-empty glass. "This's a party, ain't it? For /you/? Weyrlings of the hour. Y'all did good." She can admit that, now, though there's still something unpleasant in the smile she's aiming at Jolie's back. "Relax, kid. Enjoy yourself. Have some food." All at once she pops off the table, landing lightly on her feet. "Reckon I ought t'go an' make th'rounds with my other babies, like. You kids be good. Szad'll probably be poppin' in t'see you a'fore too long. Don't do nothin' I wouldn't do!" With that dubious advice, she's offering a backhanded wave and weaving at once into the crowd.

npc-dov, !iskivethxszadath, misar, !weyrlings2, jolie, sho, silarra

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