Log: In which Taikrin is an information dealer

Jul 27, 2010 22:52

Date: Day 27, Month 4, Turn 23 of Interval 10
Summary: Taikrin has some fascinating Oldtimer documents for Teris. Their origins are... unimportant.

Weyrleader Complex, High Reaches Weyr
Only about a man's height from the ground, this low ledge is wide and flat, reached by a set of timeworn steps that hug the cliff face. As the ledge stretches back away from the head of the stairs, it simultaneously broadens out over the bowl and tunnels into the mountain to become a sort of antechamber, from which a passageway winds back to the Weyrwoman's weyr, the council room, the records room and the hatching sands. A small round table is set in a shallow alcove here, surrounded by four chairs that provide a waiting area for those seeking one of the weyrleaders.
Another short flight of stairs leads upward from the tapering end of the ledge to the Weyrleader's quarters, while others lead to the further recessed junior queens' weyrs. While it's hard to get a good look at the lake from here, the view does encompass the majority of the bowl and the comings and goings across its span.
Obvious exits:
Council Chambers Weyrleader Weyrwoman Junior Queens Sands Bowl
Junior queen weyrs:

It is a spring night, 20:47 of day 27, month 4, turn 23 of Interval 10.

Dragon> A chill breeze swirls through, carrying with it the somewhat acrid scent of cigar smoke. << Iskiveth! >> Szadath's booming tones are a bit less, well, booming than usual. << Mine is looking for yours. She found a prize. >> He hesitates, withdrawing a moment to contemplate, before adding, << Or a strategy. Or something. Anyways, where is yours? >> (Szadath to Iskiveth)

Dragon> Cigar smoke is joined by a heady woodsmoke that pops and crackles somewhere nearer to its source. Iskiveth sounds a little jealous when she says, << A /prize?/ >> Without her! Inconceivable! But she doesn't have to pause to locate her rider. She's where she always is, << Working. In our weyr. >> (Iskiveth to Szadath)

You head to Iskiveth's weyr.
Teris' Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
This hollowed out bubble cavern is large enough to fit at least three large dragons, the immensity dwarfing what little furniture is visible. A small portion of the room contains a personal bath, enclosed by a carefully carved out strip of rock wall. Faint tendrils of stream waft from the corner, permeating the immediate area with a merging of warmth and cooler temperatures.

In the outermost room, a large stone table is centered in the entranceway, five chairs of wicked wood surrounding it. Nearby is an opening in the wall that is an old elevator-pulley system to the kitchens, the trap door rusted from disuse. In the further corner form the ledge entrance, nearer the baths, is a collection of stands and ceiling hooks, suggesting that this area was once used to hold - perhaps - a collection of plants, though for now it is empty. Just next to this is a large glassed-in bookshelf built into the well, empty for now, as well as two large, cozy-looking armchairs.

Behind a curtain made of brightly coloured glass beads is a smaller, blue-wash walled room, one that is mostly filled by a large bed, currently bare except for the mattress. At the foot of the bed is a large, ornately carved chest that matches the sweet redwood wardrobe that stands along the far wall. A short tunnel from this room leads into another that is a little larger, and contains an ornate desk and set of shelves - a cozy, private study.
Obvious exits:
Complex Ledge

The smell of cigar smoke doesn't follow Taikrin into the weyr, though it seems as if it /should/ as Szadath's touch lingers. Just within she hesitates, calling, "Hey, Teris? Iskiveth said y'weren't busy or nothin', just thought I'd drop off that stuff I was tellin' you about, before." There's indeed a satchel slung over her shoulder and cupped protectively against her side. "Y'know, if y'got a sec."

As suggested by the gold perched on the ledge outside, Teris is inside, though since she's coming out from somewhere behind a curtain so she was probably at least somewhat warned about this whole visitor thing. "Of course she'd say that. I don't think her idea of busy and my idea of busy will ever quite align." She doesn't look terribly put upon, though, so it's all good. "Sure. Iskiveth said you had a prize?"

"A prize?" Taikrin's face screws up in confusion, but a couple seconds of glassy-eyed communication result in a quick snort of laughter. "Oh, yeah. This stuff. Guess it's a prize. Don't /actually/ know enough myself t'say. I just copied it all down, really." She takes a few steps closer in then hesitates, still clutching the bag to her side. "I mean, I dunno if it's /actually/ worth anything, but the guys what give it t'me thought maybe they were, since the originals were /real/ old, like, Oldtimer old, and it all sounded real technical, so I thought maybe-- well. Uh. Guess we'll see." She gestures towards the table. "Mind if I--?"

Teris is curious. She doesn't bother trying to hide that much from her otherwise cool expression. "Of course," she offers with a vague sweep of her hand toward the table before she's moving that way and leaning a hip against the edge on one end of it. "Who gave it to you? I'm assuming they didn't think it would be worth anything?" She has a brow arched doubtfully.

Taikrin begins laying documents out on the table in a sloppy stack. They all have the look of fresh hides, done in Taikrin's still somewhat shaky hand. "Couple of guys I know," she offers over her shoulder. "You remember, y'met one of 'em that time we was in Greenfields. Real nice, just want t'help out, y'know? They heard somewhat th'rumors, y'know, about Iskiveth. Had some old hides lying around, let me take a look-- thought maybe they might be useful."

Taikrin's Documents(#2206)
The set of documents are of varying levels of sophistication and scientific validity. Some of them are dated, but none are marked newer than the 8th Pass. The vast majority deal with dragon fertility, and indeed the names of several High Reaches queens of old are peppered throughout, as are their riders'. Of particular note are a set detailing ways of enhancing virility via a variety of means, including consuming only female bovines in various states of heat, an herb that is rumored to grow only in the 'deepest, dampest southern jungles', and using the oil of certain large deep-sea fish for daily oilings. There is also more general advice, such as encouraging a certain amount of food intake (sized for queens of the 8th pass, unfortunately), as much time in the sun as possible, and increasing contact with other fertile females and the strongest, most eligible bronzes.

"Sure, I remember," Teris murmurs but once Iskiveth is mentioned, her focus turns fully to the documents being set out. Of course she arranges at least a couple a little more neatly before her need to know wins out over any minor form of OCD she may or may not have. Her brows are knit together as she takes in the general gist of information, then she glances at Taikrin and it's difficult to tell whether or not she's pleased. "Are you-- you don't doubt the legitimacy of the hides, do you? Because if they are legitimate..." her thought trails off and her gaze shifts toward the direction of the ledge, intensely thoughtful.

"I mean-- I dunno," Taikrin shrugs one shoulder, lowering her gaze towards one of the documents at the top of the stack. "This kinda stuff, not really my thing, you know? But the guy who had 'em-- said his grandmother was an Oldtimer, y'know? Ran out of th'Weyr with a bunch of their hides before they got kicked out, see, t'protect 'em from Benden. 'Cept I guess th'Oldtimer Weyrleaders never came back t'get 'em? Dunno. They all sure looked old enough." She continues to fidget with the hide, but finally raises her gaze tentatively to Teris. "Figured, maybe you'd know what t'do with 'em, y'know?"

"No, no, of course not," says the blonde with a small shake of her head as her attention returns to the hides. Teris is chewing on her lower lip, if only briefly, but it might speak volumes for how she's feeling right now. "It's good," she says finally, glancing up at Taikrin to flicker a small smile. "Good information to be aware of. You don't mind if I hold onto them? I can recopy them if you want all of this back. It would be... fortunate if any of it worked. And it should, right?" Even Teris sounds uncertain, not a state she likes to be in, "I mean, there are herbs and routines that people use all the time for themselves, aren't there?" Then abruptly with an earnest hint, "Thank you, Taikrin."

If Taikrin isn't meeting Teris' gaze, well, it's only because those hides are so /terribly/ interesting. "Nah, I don't need 'em. I mean, you're the only goldrider I know, so... " She pages from one to the next distractedly, then drops the lot back into a pile on the table. "... figured, you know, I owe you from all those times y'let me borrow your notes an' tag along to classes or whatever. I mean, /something/ here must work, right? An' be useful? Why else would they write it down?" The written word, it is never wrong. "You-- don't worry about it. No problem. Glad t'help." Taikrin's face isn't inclined towards bashfulness, but there's still no small amount of flush in her cheeks and an awkward twist to her lips.

"Wonderful," says Teris, watching Taikrin for just another moment before her eyes are back on the hides. So much to take in and she'd probably really like to take it in all at once. "Does anyone else know about these?" she asks, probably meaning anyone at the Weyr since, obviously, the person she got it from knows. "Would you... help? If I need to get anything." Which will probably be a definite thing even given her precursory look over things.

"No." Taikrin is firm, insistent even, on that point. "Didn't tell nobody else. Some people might not understand. Take it th'wrong way. Figured I'd leave it t'you, tell whoever y'wanted." Now free of hides, Taikrin's arms fold loosely across her chest, turning to lean back against the table in an obvious pose of nonchalance. But she's still not /quite/ meeting Teris' eyes. "'Course I'll help. Get whatever y'need, if I can swing it. Good at that, me. Finding stuff. An' y'know Szad, always glad t'help."

"Good." It takes Teris a handful of moments to think about something in silence, looking vaguely in Taikrin's direction, then she asks, "You okay? You don't think we shouldn't... try, or something, do you?" She's probably reading into whatever it is wrong but that's not actually terribly unusual for her. "I'll let you know after I've had a chance to take a better look at everything." Which a good portion of will start happening tonight.

"No-- yeah! I'm fine." If Taikrin's smile isn't totally convincing, well, at least she's wearing one. "Just, you know, been kind of a set of sevens. Lot going on." A pair of fingers rub the bridge of her nose, briefly, while she pushes away from the table. "Yeah, no problem. Let me know what y'need, and I'll see what we can do. Or-- if there's something that y'think maybe I didn't copy right, I can see if I can make another go at it."

Teris watches the brownrider, eyes squinting curiously before her scrutiny is gone again whether she believes all is well or not. "You should be happy. You have freedom and--" Okay, she's not going to get into a discussion about wing assignments or the like. "And everything seems to be going well." That works. "I'll let you know if there's a problem but I'm sure you did fine. It'll probably take me awhile to get through all of them. Will let you know, though." She's moving to sit down right at the table in one of those chairs, though her words aren't exactly dismissive it's clear where her attention really wants to be.

There's only a moment's hesitation before Taikrin reasurres, "Yeah, of course. We /are/ free, me an' Szad. We're doin' fine. Well. Whatever." She'll linger just a moment longer, eyeing Teris and the hides, before offering a casual wave as she turns to head back out of the weyr. "Anyways, guess I'll leave you to it. 'Night, Teris."

It takes Teris a moment to echo those words, pulling intense blue eyes away from hides to glance one last time at her clutchmate. "Good night, Taikrin. Thank you, again." But that's all she says for now. Guess who's not getting any sleep tonight!

iskiveth, teris, !glacier, !criminals, szadath

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