Log: In which Taikrin is a REAL rider!

Jul 25, 2010 00:10

Date: Day 18, Month 4, Turn 23 of Interval 10
Summary: It's graduation day, finally, for the weyrlings. Wing-picking time! Taikrin to Glacier and Silarra to Avalanche and Teris to, well, the queen's wing. Happy day!

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr(#276RJs)
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.
Heavy, driving rain makes everything a wet and muddy mess today.
Obvious exits:
Diving Cliff Lake Bowl

It is a spring afternoon, 16:06 of day 18, month 4, turn 23 of Interval 10.

Preparations have been going on all day, and now, as the sun begins to go down, bringing with it a chill to the air, the party is /on/. There are long tables with food and drinks, a bonfire to help warm the evening air, and even some harpers playing lively tunes - albeit relatively quietly - to add merriment to the atmosphere. K'del and Tiriana arrive together, but don't stay that way: the bronzerider heads straight for the drinks table, and who knows where Tiriana wanders off to, but either way, it's probably a sign of how laid-back this whole thing is: no speeches, no formality, just a roclicking good time on the weyr's dime. Mark. Whatever.

Szadath is one of the stars of the show tonight, and he /knows/ it. His landing is beyond his usual aggresiveness, and he holds himself to best emphasize his size and the gleam of his newly-oiled hide. Taikrin is hardly more subdued, given her swagger over towards the drink table and the self-satisfied twist to her smile. If she's been quiet and unusually withdrawn in the last few sevendays, well-- there's no hint of that sort of thing tonight. There's a moment's hesitancy as she spots K'del coming from the other direction, but it's followed up by a short nod and even acknowledgement. "Sir. Nice night for it, eh?"

Silarra arrives on the scene with a neat little landing. Silarra slips down off the green's back with a half smile on her face. "I'm just fine without a skirt." She mutters under her breath towards the dragon, as if it's the hundredth time she's said it that day. The drinks table is her destination as well. Where else would you start a party? Taikrin gets a quick grin. "Finally, huh?" Silarra states before she nods a greeting to K'del, as well.

"/Brownrider/," begins K'del, and it's not without a note of pride to it; they're the riders of Cadejoth's babies, after all! Any further thoughts are interrupted by Silarra's arrival, which results in a hastily, "Greenrider. Congratulations to you both. We're very proud of you." He'll even, a moment later, as he's handed his glass of whiskey, lift the glass towards the pair of them: cheers! "But. Yes - nice night for it. Afraid it was going to rain, earlier, but apparently not. Nice to be able to use the lake for this kind of thing again."

A glass of something dark and potent is handed to Taikrin, which she promptly raises back towards first K'del then Silarra, smirking at the latter of the rim of the glass. "Finally, yeah! I'll drink t'that." She sidesteps a pace away from the table, clearing room for the next patron, and turns the full force of the smug grin back to K'del. "Eh, wouldn't dare rain tonight, y'know? Rain on our party? Hah!"

Silarra might just be the lightweight of the group as she settles for a mug of beer. There's a quick smile to K'del before she shudders. "I'm hoping that this gathering will go better than the last one I was at here. As in, no broken bones or getting hit by rocks. Rain? I could handle that." She lifts her beer for a drink before Taikrin gets a smirk. "Liniath thinks she's more than ready. Even if she was annoyed that she couldn't convince me to dress 'appropriately'."

Following Taikrin's lead in sidestepping, K'del shifts his own position, meeting the brownrider's smug grin with a cheerful one of his own. "Too true," he allows, around the edge of his glass. "Reckon we're owed a party with perfect weather and no incidents." As he says this, his gaze is sliding back towards Silarra, to whom he offers a resounding nod. "You don't have much luck with parties, do you? Big rocks, thin ice... Reckon I can make sure this party goes well for you, though." Are his eyebrows raising meaningfully?

"Rocks and-- oh. Right. Heard about that." Even mention of thin ice can't dull Taikrin's glee, though she does give a self-conscious twitch that's covered a moment later by a friendly punch aimed at Silarra's shoulder. "Oh yeah, reckon she's gonna have a /much/ better time, this time. Ain't allowed t'do anythin' else." She glances around casually, the rim of her glass hovering at her lips, then asks, "Where's that boy of yours, anyways? Th'one what's missing his brain?"

Silarra winces and takes another longer drink. "Maybe I should just stop trying to come to parties all together. I could go hide in my weyr. Or the bar." She pauses for a moment before she shakes her head with a smirk over to K'del. "Oh? You can, can you?" Silarra states before she shakes her head to Taikrin. "Sho is definitely not my boy. More like someone it's fun to laugh at." Isn't she nice?

K'del's distracted from his thoughts by the name 'Sho', and raises his eyebrows. "Crafty kid, that one," he puts in, attention on Silarra. "Into girls, though. I'd watch out, if I were you." Though unspoken, there's probably some suggestion there of, 'unless you want to be chased'. "But-- yes, what I was going to say. Got something better than thin ice or rocks for you, Silarra." Something he digs in his pocket for for a moment, something that's then offered on his flat, outstretched palm: a greenrider's knot, and an Avalanche wing badge.

"Crafty? /That/ kid?" Disbelief is rife in Taikrin's voice. "Kid couldn't craft his way out a burlap sack." But then there's a knot and an offering and all Taikrin can do is watch in somewhat jealous surprise. Finally, "Woah-- hey, nice, Silarra! Real rider now, eh?" Her glass is raised in salute to her fellow rider again, though it doesn't hide the envious way she's eyeing the knot.

Silarra snorts. "Into girls? He'd never even seen one naked. Obviously he's not too good at chasing them. And he knows I can take him down." But then any further talk of Sho is forgotten as Silarra reaches out for that knot and badge. "That is better than rocks /or/ thin ice. By far. Thank you." And Silarra even sounds honest about that thank you.

Though his comments get derision from all sides, K'del seems unbothered by this: maybe he's too busy beaming at Silarra as she accepts her knot and badge. "First tapped," he tells her, sounding somewhat smug. "But no doubt, not last, not tonight. We'll see you in drills day after tomorrow, mm? And I'll be nice and not comment too much on the fact that you've just implied that he /has/ seen one naked now." See? Winning smile! To Taikrin, "Reckon there'll be more knots on the dispatch, this evening. Watch out."

"Yeah, well, be a pretty sad state of things if she was th'only one, y'know?" Taikrin hides envy behind a casual smirk. "Should I be worried, sir?" A hand props on her hip, casually; takes a drink, casually-- it's all quite deliberately unconcerned. "An' I know Silarra's got /way/ better taste. Ain'tcha, Silarra?"

Silarra nods her head over to K'del. "Day after tomorrow. I'll be there." And she actually sounds happy about it before she turns to wrinkle her nose up over to Taikrin. "What? You're the one who's telling me I should sleep with boys." Silarra points out dryly taking a long drink of her beer.

Blithely; "We may have decided the rest of you aren't ready for it, of course." K'del's smile is too light and cheerful for that to be serious, at least. "A little worry never hurt anyone. Apprehension. Excitement. It all works out the same." Silarra's answer earns a heartily amused smirk; the bronzerider takes another sip from his glass, all but chortling. "Makes sense to me!"

Taikrin continues to be unconcerned, though she does down the rest of her drink in remarkably short order. "You keepin' us entertained 'til then, don't reckon I can complain much." She's already slipping back over to the table and motioning for another; apparently the bartender is /well/ familiar with her habits because a refilled glass is slipped back into her hand in short order. "And /you/-- should be sleepin' with /someone/. Didn't say boys. 'Specially not little boys." There's a sidelong glance towards the Weyrleader there, apparently unimpressed with his reaction. "Liniath's gonna be gettin' you in on the fun soon enough, I reckon."

"He's about the same age I am." Silarra points out to Taikrin with a smirk on her face. Maybe this is all just to get a reaction from the brownrider. "Maybe this whole party is just for me. And the rest of you get to actually join a wing in another turn."

There's something of a nostalgic fondness to K'del's expression, though he does admit, after a moment, "Actual grown men are probably more /fun/ than boys, but-- boy can't grow into a more fun man unless someone tries him out, first." He's distcintly casual about this, but then, that does rather fit with his reputation. "Long as you're having fun, Silarra, you can do whatever you please, I reckon. Though Taikrin's right: guess Liniath'll have her say before too much longer, too." His drink is mostly finished, too: he finishes it off in a long, satisfied-sounding swig, though he doesn't go for another, just yet.

"Boys." That and the accompanying grimace speak volumes about Taikrin's thoughts on the issue. "But hey, maybe you'll get lucky and y'won't get stuck with a /boy/ after all." She can match smirk for smirk, no problem. "Y'never know. Anyways, if we're gettin' a whole turn off, who's t'say it ain't just t'have fun an' /you/ gotta do th'work of twenty, huh?"

"I'd rather do the extra work than be sitting around bored." Silarra says with a smirk before she glances over towards where Liniath is settled. "No. I'm sure it won't be too much longer. How fun." Her tone is just dripping with sarcasm there. "And actual grown men can be so /old/." That might just be a tease towards K'del.

'Old' makes K'del laugh uproariously. Spluttering, albeit merrily, he tells Silarra, "Reckon that's the first time someone has considered me /old/. Dunno if I have a problem with it, though." Actually, he puffs up his shoulders a bit, looking almost proud. To Taikrin, "Reckon if you're a weyrling for another turn, it'll be back to square one: you'll have to move back into the barracks, lose all your freedoms, and sit through all those lectures over again."

"/You/ just don't know how t'properly fill your time yet. With /fun/." Given the relative frequency with which Szadath has been in the air after one green or another, it's not too hard to guess what kind of fun Taikrin is implying. K'del's threat isn't even taken seriously-- there's a smirk for the Weyrleader in there, too. "I dunno, reckon it'd take Iskiveth sittin' on him all day t'get Szadath back in those barracks an' behavin' himself. Too much t'do!"

Silarra just grins over to K'del. "I bet most of the kids in the nursery would say the same thing." She jokes dryly before she looks over to Taikrin. "Right. Obviously I'm just horribly deprived, so I have no idea how to do anything but work. Maybe I just /like/ it. And it makes Liniath shut up a bit."

"Just like his sire, in that," remarks K'del of Szadath, both fond and approving. "Bores him to tears, having to sit still and do nothing." His glass gets transferred between one hand and the other, idly, perhaps without him even noticing that he's doing it. "You'll work it out, Silarra," he teases the greenrider. "Avalanche still drills a bit - more than most - but I reckon there's still plenty of time in there to get up to-- mischief. Fun. Whatever. I always managed, anyway."

"An' yer just a little girl, anyways," Taikrin teases back -- she /is/ older than K'del, after all. "Y'got plenty of time t'learn how t'have some proper fun." True to form, Szadath isn't wasting any time-- he's off on the far side of the lake where a whole set of dragons have gathered, posturing and showing off for a couple of greens in particular. "Just like his sire, huh?" Another sidelong glance at K'del, still full of good humor. "That a good thing?"

Silarra sticks her tongue out at Taikrin. The greenrider is a good mood as she finishes her beer. "Sure, sure. It's all a part of my youth. Whatever." Then she'll give K'del a smile. "I'm sure I'll manage. I tend to find it anyway. If not /that/ sort."

"By me it is," says K'del, brightly, in response to Taikrin's question. And to Silarra; "Whatever sort you're after, reckon that's a-ok, you know? Doesn't much matter/what/ your poison is." As it were. It's at about this moment that Glacier's Wingleader approaches, bullish-looking as ever. It's he who says, after a brief, formal greeting to the Weyrleader, and another to Silarra; "Taikrin. You'll fly with us."

Silarra nods over to the other wingleader as he steps up. She does drop the joking for a moment though, or probably until the man moves on. "Congratulations, Taikrin!" Silarra states before stepping over to get her beer mug refilled.

F'rint is not a man of many words; instead, he nods sharply in response to Taikrin's words, claps her over the shoulders, then begins to move off again. Except; "We'll see you day after tomorrow, wingrider." As he leaves, K'del casts an amused glance back at Taikrin. "Ah, Glacier. Suppose they'll probably suit you, though. Mind need to pick up some extra drills to keep Szadath happy, though."

It would be terribly undignified for Taikrin to squeak as F'rint gives her new rank for the first time, though the way her lips compress together imply she might just be holding one in. "Yes sir!" And one bracing swig of the drink in her hand is downed before she can smile broadly at Silarra, cheeks flushed. "/Glacier/. Wasn't sure, after that thing with T'dan, but-- hey, reckon we can /drill/ with anyone. Ain't like Szadath don't bully his friends into doin' 'em anyways. /Glacier/." Apparently this is a good thing.

Teris has arrived.

The beer is collected, but before Silarra makes her way back, she's distracted by another weyrling. There's some ribbing as he gets a drink before the pair wander off, Silarra showing off her new knot and badge. At least she waves back towards K'del and Taikrin as she moves on.

The party is in full swing, by now, with people hanging around near the bonfire, the drinks table, the buffet. Plenty of people probably have never even talked to one of the graduating weyrlings before, but, well: free party is free party, after all. It's a cool evening, cloudy but not raining. Not far from the drink's table, K'del is looking terribly pleased as he says to Taikrin, "Glad you're happy with that one. Figure you're right: drilling doesn't have to be /just/ with your wing. Probably better, moving it around. Trying new things and all, right?" Somewhere in there, he waves after Silarra, too.

Taikrin is still pretty flushed in the wake of F'rint's departure-- the weyrling that Silarra takes off with even gets a pretty pleasant smile, all things considered. "Yeah, I mean, they're some of the /best/ dicers and Szadath picked up all /kinds/ of good flight tips from a couple of th'other browns and they're--" She's getting perilously close to girly, and apparently knows it to judge from the sudden grimace and drink-quaffing. "But-- yeah. They're all just pretty awesome guys, you know?"

Partying and Teris aren't usually things that people think about in the same thought. Certainly not something /she/ thinks about in the same thought. But she /is/ here because, well, it would be kind of poor form not to show up to graduation stuff when the only other thing one really has to do is work. The now official junior weyrwoman will even mingle slightly, though it's K'del and Taikrin that will get to bear the initial brunt of this. "I suppose I should thank you for okay-ing my graduation, Weyrleader," she says as she approaches.

There's amusement in K'del's expression, lingering around the edges of his eyes, and at the tips of his easy smile. Her sudden grimace only seems to /encourage/ that reaction, but all he says is, "Sure, if you think so." Maybe he's less enamoured of the hard playing wing, but, well, who is he to argue if someone else wants to fly with them? It's at that point that Teris approaches, and he half turns to admit her, as it were, to the little circle. With mock graciousness, he tells her, "You are most welcome, of course, Teris. Congratulations, weyrwoman. Let me go refill my drink, mm? Want something?" It's an offer made to both.

"Hey, Teris! Glacier!" Taikrin doesn't have a shiny new knot to show off, but her enthusiasm more than makes up for it. "An' Silarra's Avalanche. Guess y'didn't have t'wonder where y'were goin', but-- /Glacier/!" Yes, this is a very good thing. To K'del's offer, she waves her empty glass in gratitude. "I'll take one of-- well, whatever. S'all good stuff." Back to Teris, then, "What're y'gonna do now, d'you think?"

"Wine, please," Teris returns for K'del and the fetching of drinks. The expression she turns on Taikrin at the mention of Glacier isn't a happy one, though. She looks downright disapproving and maybe a little irritated by how happy Taikrin seems about it. She manages not to voice whatever thoughts provoke these, at least, and looks off to survey things as she answers. "What do you mean? I think what I do has been set out pretty clearly for me for awhile now."

K'del takes Taikrin's glass in his other hand, an easy bob accepting her lack-of-order with no further questions made of it. If he notices Teris' expression at mention of Glacier, he doesn't mention it: maybe, though, /his/ reaction is in the rapid movement towards the nearby drink table, helpfully absenting himself from that particular conversation, if only for a few moments. There's a line, though, by now, and one he waits at the end of. Safe.

If Taikrin notices Teris' less-than-enthusiastic response, well, she's got enough enthusiasm for the both of them. "Well sure, but now it's /official/. Y'can do whatever y'want an' they can't dangle not graduatin' over you. Go wherever y'want. See whatever. Free. Y'know?" Much like Szadath, who is living it up with a pack of dragons on the far side of the lake, Taikrin is chest-puffed-out proud and not afraid to show it. "Didn't reckon on Glacier takin' us in. Wasn't sure-- but they're awesome. They know a /lot/ about how t'get stuff done. Guess I shouldn't'a worried. I mean-- who could say no to Szad, y'know?"

Teris dismisses the whole thing about her own duties, since that's probably basically all she's really considered doing, truthfully. "Glacier are a bunch of bastards. There's no reason you should be /proud/ to be in that wing. The lot of them can lose themselves between for all I care." It's harsh and harshly spoken and if Teris wasn't already waiting on a glass of wine, it looks like there's a good chance she would have walked off right then.

"I-- what?" Obviously this is not a reaction that Taikrin had been expecting. Eyes go wide, and she's genuinely startled by Teris' vehemence. "Woah, hang on, what'd they do t'you? They were all super awesome t'me when I was on rotation there, an' Szad seemed t'get along pretty okay with a coupl'a th'browns." Which is pretty much amazing, given his general disdain for males of his size. "I didn't even know y'/knew/ any of 'em. What happened?"

Over in the drinks line? K'del's glancing back at the pair of clutchmates, twisting his features into an unhappy grimace. He's at the front of it, now, though whether that's a good thing - his return being imminant - or not.... well, that depends on your perspective.

"They didn't do anything to /me/," Teris returns. "But they've done plenty to B'tal and they had all better hope that they never need me on their side of anything." Because they clearly won't be getting any sort of support from her that isn't demanded by someone that outranks her. And, fortunately for her, that's not a great deal of people. Teris still isn't looking at Taikrin and instead looks toward where K'del is supposed to be.

"To B'tal? Yer brother? But-- what happened? That y'hate them so much?" Taikrin might not be particularly interested in the story, but she's certainly upset that Teris is upset. She even sidesteps around to interpose herself between Teris and wherever it is that she's looking. "Hey, c'mon-- what's th'deal? I figured-- I mean c'mon, how bad could it be? Ain't like I'm gonna be shackin' up with any of 'em, but they seemed like th'sort what'd watch a girl's back, y'know?"

It's actually kind of an awkward moment for K'del to return, and he seems utterly aware of it, hovering warily a few steps away before, finally, he crosses the last of the distance between the drinks table and the two former weyrlings. He doesn't say anything, though, biting at his lip in a stupidly hesitant kind of way as he stares down at the trio of glasses he's clutching between his hands. Lalalala.

"Yes, my brother." She even sounds a little irritated that she has to say that. "They were awful to him. All because he likes to fuck boys." With Taikrin in Teris' line of sight, the goldrider's icy gaze focuses on her. "And /then/ that bastard kicked him out of the wing altogether when sharding K'ndro wanted out." Her gaze shoots toward K'del and she looks even a little more livid for a moment because of him just being there or something. She moves toward him and takes the one that's hers before turning back toward the brownrider, "You had better make very sure that the only reason they're watching your back isn't because you have a nice ass."

Sho has arrived.

"I-- what, really? But they were totally cool about, y'know, me /not/ doin' it." Taikrin remains wide-eyed and baffled under Teris' icy stare: too surprised to even begin to get annoyed at this sudden reversal of fortune. "That don't even make sense." Her gaze flickers to K'del, and though she trails after Teris in that general direction, she doesn't move to take her own drink from the Weyrleader. "I have a-- /what/? How do you--" Whatever demands she might have made on that point are quelled - with difficulty - for the moment. "I mean, that can't be right, he must'a like, done something. I know he's your brother an' all, but y'sure he didn't screw up his sweeps or something'?"

K'del, Taikrin and Teris are standing not far from the table where drinks are being served; around them, the party is in full swing, with food and drinks, dancing, the whole bit. It's not raining, now, though it's overcast: it's chilly, with the sun long since gone down. Quietly, K'del takes a step forward, offering Taikrin her drink as he says, "B'tal was my fault. Thought it would be fine, and it didn't. He was-- not the right fit for them, and I'm sorry. My mistake. Teris--" he starts, but doesn't finish his thought, just shaking his head, seeking for her eyes with his.

"He didn't screw up anything." Teris is firm on that point, whether she really knows or not. "Not enough to warrant being kicked out of the wing. He didn't even have the decency to tell him himself," she says the last as she meets K'del's gaze. But then she's looking away again and she takes a drink, a longer one than really necessary or proper, of her wine. "And do you know the worst part? He was really upset about all of it." Teris takes a moment to recompose herself, then turns her head toward Taikrin to say politely and maybe a little distantly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take away from your excitement. If you'll be a better fit, then hopefully you'll have reason to be proud to ride with Glacier."

Taikrin is, remarkably, a little hang-dog at all this. "But they... they seem so great. Remind me a little of my old crew, some of 'em." Which is not, perhaps, a ringing endoresement outside of Taikrin's little world. "I just-- we're okay, yeah?" Beseeching gaze, seen by few, is fixed on Teris. "I don't want-- is this-- a problem?" She glances in an aside at K'del then, finally, eyebrows quirking over a frown. "That drink mine, sir?"

Sho has been here for a while...really! He's easy to spot because he's the one with two coats on, which makes him look rather puffy. But at least he's warm in this darn supoer cold weather they have here at High Reaches. It's just to much for him still, despite his past few months here. Maybe one of these days it'll warm up to something a bit more tolerable for people to live in. Sho makes his way out of the crowded table and over to the drinks to find something, not even looking up to see who's nearby. He's really just there because it's a big party thing...he still doesn't know very many people. But...hey, it's a party. Food and drinks are always good. Sho looks over the assortment idly, staying as far away from alcohol as possible and deciding on what juice to drink.

The drink K'del is offering Taikrin is whiskey, same as his; he gives her a sharp little nod of the head, as though he's unwilling to actually /say/ anything at this point. Perhaps that's understandable. "Glacier have strong opinions on things, that's all," he says, finally. "You either fit with them, or you don't. Belong, or you don't. Generally." The way he talks suggests he's pretty conscious that this is not really all that helpful. So he adds, hurriedly, "I'm sure you'll be very happy, Taikrin. And I reckon B'tal's doing pretty well in his new wing, right? So things are okay. So-- Taikrin, what are /your/ plans, now that you've graduated?"

Teris has never been an easy person to deal with and there's certainly no need for her to start making a habit of it now. But all she says on the matter is, "No." And hopefully that's in regards to whether or not this is a problem and not whether or not they're okay. "You reckon?" Teris looks at K'del, one brow arched upward and her emphasis on the last word, but that's all she says. Attention shifts back to Taikrin, still looking agitated, to hear what her great plans she might have.

"Okay, then." Taikrin chooses to interpret Teris' comment in a positive light, because she forces a smile back on-- bolstered by a half glass of whiskey. "Plans, huh? I dunno-- reckon we might continue how we been a little, y'know? Szad's keepin' himself pretty happy, but-- reckon we might do some explorin', maybe head down south an' see a proper beach. Got a lot t'learn still, though, y'know? An' Sali-- uh, well, I dunno." There's a bit of a flush in her cheeks, ostentibly from the whiskey she sips at again. "Didn't really plan this far, I guess. What about-- what about you, Teris?"

Sho hears the others talking at the table and glances over. He gives them each a look before shrugging and grabbing a glass of juice. He turns around to look at the dancing and such as he takes a sip of his juice. Taikrin's last words bring a smirk to Sho's lips as he takes another sip from his glass. "I'm kinda suprised that you an' Silarra /did/ make it." He says, loud enough for the small group to hear as he glances over at Taikrin.

K'del probably has no idea whatsoever how B'tal is doing in his new wing, but it's a nice lie, isn't it? In theory, at least. "Sure," he says to Teris, blithely, though there's a certain amount of uncertainty behind his gaze, now. Awesome. Taikrin's answer, at least, captures his attention away from the goldrider, and he tells her, cheerfully, once she's finished, "Seems like a good plan. Plenty of interesting places to explore-- so much space, right?" He caught the reference to 'Sali', though, and it draws his brows slightly. Shad's remark, though, distracts him, and he turns his attention towards the boy, smirking lightly. "Shoulda seen 'em when they were candidates. Big changes."

Teris just shakes her head in response to Taikrin's question. She has no plans, evidently. "I'll sit around and hope that Fort's Weyrwoman actually invites me to tea so I don't have to invite myself, I suppose. It's not very easy to get around without being noticed." Especially since Iskiveth does not like going unnoticed. Unless, of course, she's up to no good. A glance is given to K'del again and that might have been precisely what Teris was trying to get at. Does he know how the greenrider is? Maybe he should. She sips at the rest of her wine a bit more easily now that the lividness has mostly passed or, at least, been covered.

"Don't know about a good plan, but it's somethin' t'do. Ain't never seen a lot of places, so-- but, Teris, who cares? Y'should come with me, some time. Reckon Szad an' Iskiveth'd have a good time doin'-- what they do, y'know? Who cares who knows?" A peace offering, maybe. All of her attempts at maintaining calm are shown for just that -- attempts -- at Sho's arrival and comment. A spasm of irritation crosses her winter-pale features, and she has to take another drink before she can even respond. "Sho. Fantastic." K'del's comment has her fingers white-knuckle tight on her glass, though at least she's still mostly smiling. "I /would/ have liked t'see /him/ about a turn ago."

Sho has a feeling that Taikrin isn't truly thrilled to see him. Ah well. The youth nods at K'del and eyes the other two, but doesn't say anything else. Whatever conversation they have going on seems far to much for him, and as irritating as he can usually be, this is /their/ night. So instead he just sips from his glass again and turns back to watch the dancing, clapping as the song comes to an end with the rest of the crowd and then remaining silent as the next song begins. He keeps an eye on the group still, but stays out of it for now. A cold blast of air causes him to shiver slightly despite his double jackets. To darn cold. Grumble.

The glance K'del sends back to Teris implies triumph, somehow, though it's muted: exactly how and why are impossible to tell from expression alone. "Perhaps we'll send you on a tour of all the weyrs, Teris, so you can meet all the Weyrwomen, and see how they operate," he remarks, amiably, before taking a careful sip of his (very nice) whiskey. And, more generally; "Reckon we've all changed a bit in the last turn. People do. Grow up, change, improve.-- Shells, Shad, you still shivering all the time? It's /Spring/, you know."

"I care," returns Teris without even a thought otherwise. "Appearances are important." After another sip, though, she does have to admit, "Iskiveth enjoys her time with Szadath." She doesn't go so far to say that she enjoys her time with Taikrin but she does look at the brownrider a little more consideringly. Finally, she glances at this kid that she doesn't know but continues the turn of her head toward K'del. "I'm sure that would be... an experience."

"Tour of all the Weyrs? That sounds like, uh, could be fun. See all kinds of places." Taikrin is trying to summon enthusiasm for it, but it's dampened by the continued glances she's cutting towards Sho. "Szad, y'know, he'd miss Iskiveth if y'all left. Keeps talkin' about gettin' her this-- I don't even know, shiny thing. And he-- OH!" Annoyance gives way to sudden surprise. "I clean forgot! I have a whole set of these hides I have to give you that I got from-- well, from a friend and you got to /see/ them, but--" A quick look at K'del, then, "--later."

"Spring for who?" Sho mutters under his breath, taking another sip of his juice. He looks over at K'del then and wrinkles his nose at the weyrleader. "Spring should be shorts weather and sun, not overcast, rainy and freezing. Sir." Okay, not really /freezing/ but still, it seems that way to the one from Southern. On top of that he's starting to lose his tan...not that he really cares, but it was funny being the only resident with one. He falls silent again then as they continue discussing dragon stuffs, and different weyrs, none of which he's truly interested in at this point because there's nothing he can add. He's no rider and really has no idea.

"'An experience'", repeats K'del, dryly. "That code for 'really boring', Teris? Not like I'm forcing the idea on you or anything. Just... you know, an /idea/." It would be hard for him to miss the glance Taikrin aims in his direction, and it distinctly raises his eyebrows, turning his expression somewhat wary. There is probably no polite way to allude to concern over potentially illegal activities, though, so he says nothing. But he's watching her. To Sho; "Warmer already than it was a month ago. And next month'll probably be warmer still. You'll see."

"I ought to demand you be an escort," Teris tells Taikrin, the first hints of a smile pulling at her lips before they're cut short by tentative interest. "Sure. You can bring them by sometime." To K'del, Teris smiles more obviously and more, well, not genuinely. "K'del, dear, when have you ever known me to speak in code, hmm? I try to say what I mean." Most of the time. "I'm sure it would be boring, but it /would/ be an interesting experience." So there.

Taikrin can get into this whole escort thing - it brings another smile curving onto her lips. "Yeah? Maybe we will at that. Make sure everyone minds their manners, like. Reckon we can do that. But I'll stop by later, maybe tomorrow. Got a restday, don't we, after all this?" The whiskey in her hand is finished off to emphasize the point. "An' this is a fine warm spring, boy. Look, it ain't even snowed lately." If she notices K'del's reaction to her, ah, questionable activities, well, she doesn't make a fuss about it either.

A nod from Sho, "Yeah, I guess that's true. I guess soon maybe I can go down to /one/ jacket." He says, offering K'del a smirk that says he's really not to sure. "Maybe I should just run all day, that'll keep me warm." He adds, and seems to be seriously considering that. Finally he shakes his head, "No, the stables would be short again. Couldn't do that." A shrug. "Oh well, I guess I'll just stay cold." What a way to live. The simple thought causes him to wrap his arms around himself to try and warm himself up some more. Taikrin's words bring a glare in her direction, "I'm no 'boy'. I'm a man." He states quite blatantly. "And you guys are crazy is all, liking this cold rain so much. Warm rain is much better."

"Boring and interesting, all at one, huh?" says K'del, edged in a tone that suggests he's at least partly teasing. "Well. Maybe we'll make it happen. Haven't thought that far ahead, but it might be worth considering." Beat. "Haven't had to deal with a new junior before, I guess." His whiskey is finished off, too, and though he's shifted the bulk of his gaze away from Taikrin, now, he might well be caught glancing in her direction from time to time, anyway, warily. "Didn't say we /like/ cold rain, Sho," he puts in, then. "Just... you get used to it. Anyway, it was really nice, earlier. Not too cold or anything. Not raining."

Teris offers Taikrin an easy nod of her head about when she'll be around and since there's no word otherwise, that must work for her just fine. It's Sho that Teris turns her attention on, one brow arched high and incredulous. "You are definitely no man. K'del has just barely earned that particular title himself." Okay, that makes it a little harder not to grin and she glances at the Weyrleader innocently. "So long as you trust sending me out and about representing High Reaches."

The scarier prospect? "An' me too! Someone's gotta keep th'other Weyrs in line. Can't have 'em tempting Iskiveth off, yeah?" Taikrin is certainly happy enough to turn on Sho, though at least she's still grinning. "S'what I keep tellin' him. An' Silarra. Ain't her job t'be making men out of boys. /'Specially/ boys what don't have a fine appreciation for a nice, hard snow or a cold wind. Best for flyin' round the spires with, y'know."

Sho hrms at K'del, "Yeah, I guess so. Still, could be warmer. Hopefully in Summer." Really really, really he's hoping. Otherwise he might just freeze himself to get it over with. Or hire a dragon to keep a fire near him at all times. That might work. Taikren could do it...Teris' words, however, turn his attention now fully on the group. He turns to face them and narrows his eyes, "Hey, I am too a man. I'm certainly not some 'boy'." He says, seeming a little more serious now. Not that that's very scary coming from the scrawny teen. As Taikrin chips in, Sho looks at her and his free hand tightens into a fist subconsciously while his hand goes white that's around his cup. "Y-you don't know what yer talking about. I am a man. And I don't care about the wind and cold." He sets his cup down rather hard before stripping his jackets off and putting them on the ground. "There, see." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

It's not very nice, K'del's comment. Really not very nice. But maybe K'del is trying to pay Teris back for that man comment. "Why would another weyr want to tempt Iskiveth off?" It's only a little bit pointed, but, well, it can hardly be interpreted in any other way, really. "Shells, Sho, don't rise to their bait." Like he does. "Doesn't matter what they think. And freezing really isn't going to prove you're a man, promise you. Just have to act like one."

Teris turns her head to look at K'del for that comment, a little scoff coming out through her slightly dropped jaw. She doesn't seem upset exactly, not by the way she moves closer to the Weyrleader and aims to kick his foot with hers. "Anyway! If Iskiveth wanted to be tempted off somewhere else, she'd have to go without me." It's hard to say if that would be enough but Teris doesn't seem terribly concerned one way or the other.

Taikrin is happy to scowl at K'del on Teris' behalf, and scowl she does. "Because Iskiveth is awesome an' they can't have her. She's gonna do great things." Like probably causing some sort of international incident over kidnapping and theft of livestock or something wacky like that. "An' hey, boy wants t'freeze t'prove his manliness, who're we t'stop him?" Sho, at least, she can smile at. "Regular rite of passage. 'Cept usually we make 'em do it when there's still snow t'toss 'em in to. Guess th'lake'll have t'do? Still pretty cold..."

K'del's words aren't really taken in by Sho at the moment at the further taunting from Taikrin. Pretty standard teenage boy led astray by a girl, yep. He's trying to hide his shivering before he hmphs, "Well I'll go prove it then." He says, turning towards the lake and pulling off his shirt to go with the jackets. Now he can't help but shiver but he still tries to hide it as he starts walking towards the lake. Yes yes, foolish boy.

K'del seems to expect worse from Teris, and thus, seems pleasantly surprised when that foot-kick is all he gets. "Because you'd never leave us? Awwww," he says, drawling the words out, cheerfully. He can ignore Taikrin, then, except for a dubious glance in her direction, and, okay, to admit, sounding somehow nostalgic, "Jumped off the diving cliff in autumn to prove myself to Tiriana, once. When I was-- about Sho's age, probably. Though she jumped, too, and she was older than that." He's so busy reminiscing that it's only belatedly that he seems to register what Sho is doing, and, hurriedly, calls towards him, "Really don't need to do that. /Really/ It's /freezing/ in there."

Smiling at the praise of her lifemate from Taikrin, forgetting, for now, all her earlier anger, Teris finishes off her wine. "It doesn't really matter what age you are," she says, possibly for Sho's... well, maybe not benefit. "You're still going to act like an idiot and make a fool of yourself." That's just what guys do. "You guys have fun thawing him out, hmm? I think I'm going to get another drink." And probably disappear.

Taikrin out and out guffaws at Sho, her amusement plain. "Yeah, so-- like I said, boys, rite of passage and all that crap. Every boy's got t'do it 'fore they can call 'emselves men." And then they're both headed towards the lake, and Taikrin turns her smirk back to Teris. "Pretty much exactly what they do, yeah? Silarra's right in th'way that that kid /is/ too easy. Really gonna get himself killed one day." Fingers raise to wiggle at Teris, and she calls after, "I'll swing by next day or two with those hides. You're gonna like 'em. Promise!" And then Taikrin too will wander off in search of booze and greenriders willing to do a little celebrating with a brand-new rider.

Sho's too far gone to hear all the comments about him, for better or for worse. Instead he makes it to the edge of the lake and the party and strips off his pants before he slowly steps into the water. A shiver runs up his body as he does so, but he steadies himself and slowly walks farther in. He'll show those girls...who are no longer watching. Sigh.

k'del, !weyrling, teris, !graduation, sho, silarra

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