(no subject)

Apr 25, 2009 15:32

- first time this season it's gotten past 75 (and damn near 85) and i'm already cranky and irritated. i dunno what i'm going to do when summer hits. fuck you New England and it's only three weeks a year of SANE FUCKING TEMPERATURES (i mean really, is wanting it to be 50-60 all the time too much to ask [shut up]).

- i'm hungry but don't want to eat. i mean, it's only 3:30, and i haven't eaten anything yet today, but because i'm fat, i obviously overeat. because, you know, i have a brain abnormality that process more of the chemical that makes me hungry and therefore makes me eat more often than a more slender person RIGHT?

- i'm starting to hate sewing.

- oh OH OH you wouldn't believe what my mom accused me of. she thinks i have a... wait for it... SPENDING PROBLEM. yup. here i can't rub two pennies together, is a slave to my sewing machine do i can work three days on something that will (maybe) sell for fifteen bucks, need to beg for money online... I HAVE A SPENDING PROBLEM.

because "whenever you come up for the weekend, you're always out spending money in the stores." really now? could that be because you a) have access to a car and b) live a mile from the discount store and a walmart and c) i need things like shampoo and tampons and cat food. wait, i know what it is now, it was these jeans i bought for $7 (which brings my number of pants to a whopping THREE, btw).

so she offers to HOLD THE MONEY FOR ME, the little bonus us on disability will be getting sometime in May. HOW ABOUT NO. she wants to keep my money so i don't spend it?

you know what i told her i was planning with the money? paying down my gas and phone bills, than maybe buying a DVD or two.

SUCH AN OVERSPENDER. especially when she is the one that finds things that still have store tags on them, that she doesn't remember buying... she's the one that goes into a store and spends fifty bucks on useless shit and junk food (that she accuses me of eating) then feeling guilty about it later.

i believe it's a case of seeing in others, the things you try to bury inside yourself.

- btw, i had a bowl of cereal.

money, parents, weather, food, sewing, bitching

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