Home again, home again...

Sep 23, 2005 17:11

So, here I am at home. Home, PA home. Not Columbus home, but five hours away. Did I plan to be here? Oh no, friends and neighbors, I did not. The story is thus:

Background Explanation One: Yesterday (Thursday) was my brother's 20th birthday. The parents were having a big surprise party at his school with the family and all his friends and there was NO WAY I was going to miss that, so I got someone to cover my shift at work and drove down.

Background Explanation Two: My old, old truck has been having issues lately. The biggest one has been that the steering column has been...um...shaking. And wiggling, and just generally not being happy. Also one of my headlights has been out.

Putting the two BEs together, I think, "Oh, I'll just have Dad look at the truck when I'm at the party. He'll tighten something and we'll be happy and I'll get home late and go to work in the morning."

Yeah. Right.

Dad looks at it and goes, "Oh, Megan. Oh, oh, Megan, you can't drive this back." Apparently it could have been very very very bad and was too dangerous to take the four hours back to Ohio. So he drove it HOME home (Bedford home) and I came, too. We took it in today to get it fixed. I had to call off work for two days (my checkbook says "ouch"). I don't have anything with me - nothing. My loving sister gave me contact stuff and deodorant. I've been wearing the same clothes two days in a row now. I don't have my glasses, my Bible, or any homework to do. On the up side, I get to hang out with my brother and grandma and parents, when they're not doing crazy orchard stuff.

But, yeah. That's been my surprising two days. Don't worry, I'm fine and everything's fine and I'll be able to go back to Ohio either tomorrow or Sunday. It was just..unexpected...to have to be here for a bit.

Mi amas vin, mia viramon!! And I miss you. :(

Also, as my mom said, "You have never truly lived until you've been in a conga line with nuns and retarded people." This is the absolute truth. It is, as they say, teh bomb.


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