So I've been following
this Marie Claire thing really, REALLY carefully, because I am one of those people that would undoubtedly gross out Maura Kelly just by walking across the room. And there have been a ton of things I've wanted to say or wanted to point out, and a ton of things I've been thinking about and pondering in this whole situation, but it's such a crazy sensitive topic, to me and to other people and to me, that I haven't.
And then
cleolinda went and
did it for me, for which I'm thankful, because it means I don't have to confessiontype all that, because she did it for me. (And, I suspect, lots of other plumpsizers like me.)
So thanks, Cleolinda! And Maura Kelly? I'm sorry you think I'm gross, but maybe it balances out, because I think you're gross, too, and I only just heard of you two days ago.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.