I think this is from the Chuck Norris fans, but it's still funny

Apr 27, 2008 00:02

I found this on Facebook, everyone has probably already seen it, but it's great! Read away!

Supernatural Facts

-Guns don't kill people. Dean Winchester kills people.

-There is not theory of evolution, just a list of animals John Winchester allows to live.

-Sam Winchester counted to infinity. Twice.

-Brokeback Mountain is what John Winchester calls the ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

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tahirire April 27 2008, 12:28:02 UTC
Yeah, I know! I like, "Sam Winchester's smile once brought a puppy back to life" Hee.

For some reason my comment notices have stopped getting emailed to my hotmail. I'm still kind of new on lj - any suggestions?


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tahirire April 27 2008, 20:43:10 UTC
I think something is messed up with my hotmail. Maybe I accidentally blocked the lj address. *kicks computer*


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