Metrocon 2012 : Rose and Shana, Legend of Dragoon, and IADT Fashion Show

Jun 18, 2012 23:30

Hi, flist! WOW it's been a while. I've been up to my eyeballs in projects. This weekend was Metrocon, a local anime convention that I love oh-so-very much, and I just spent the last 14 days straight working on my cosplay - Rose, from Legend of Dragoon. One of my teachers did Shana and went with me, and we had a great time! As a consolation for never being around no mores, here, have pictures!


This convention was tough for me. Between classes and the school fashion show wrapping up, I only had 2 weeks to design, pattern out, and cut and sew Rose and make the sword - something I had never done before. I'm relatively happy with it but next time will be much smoother, I would think.

I was unable to attend the convention on Saturday due to a couple of funerals I had to go to, but Friday night we went to the Dr Horrible sing a long shadowcast and the Masquerade ball, both of which were fantastic. And Loki was there!

Our cowboy hats said 'we do the weird stuff' on them, LOL. We had prop bags to use for audience participation. It was so much fun.

Crazy feather mask.

I finally had a chance to wear my gorgeous vintage blue velvet cloak.

The newest member of my Amigurumi family : Tonberry!! :D :D :D

They had a brand new Supernatural panel this year. BEST. CAS. EVER. We watched an episode of the anime, it was a BLAST.



Dr Horrible and Captain Hammer, BFFS.

This was these people's first cosplay ever. They won the novice category. So cool.

Saturday morning: Shana and Rose shoot.

So here's the thing. I LOVED Legend of Dragoon. I played it for over 250 hours back when I was in college 10 years ago. I took it over to my friend's house to play it because my TV didn't have color. That was true friendship, lol. I have always, always ALWAYS wanted to cosplay Rose. There are a few things I want to tweak before Dragon Con this year, but over all considering that I only had 2 weeks to make her, I'm really pleased with how she turned out, especially the armored parts. :D And my teacher's Shana was SO. FREAKING. ADORABLE. We got a lot of love from the con goers, too, and induced much Legend of Dragoon related squee. :) Always a good feeling when you get recognized.

This is my favorite show of just me, lol. It's such a Rose pose, and I can see her making friends with this cute little fishie.

School Fashion Show

In non-convention related news, I found a TV spot clip of our school show on youtube, so if you remember seeing my light-up dress in progress vid and want to see how it looked on the runway, check it out!

image Click to view

You can see the Phoenix dress at 1:55, the Emcee's silk dress at :38 and 1:34, and my silk taffeta dress at 3:54.

The silk taffeta was DEFINITELY the easiest. I actually did it as a class project and just entered it into the show. My model was teeeensy, so I had to take it in some, but no big deal. I was pleased with how it turned out.

The Phoenix dress was a lot of hand-sewing in wires, flashers and appliques, but it wasn't too difficult design wise. This was right before final alterations. Some of the flashers are on but the wire is not.

The silk striped dress was a NIGHTMARE. When I first did it it had 37 patterns pieces in the bodice, and after I finished customizing it for the Emcee, it had over 50. NEVAR AGAIN. However, it looked pretty awesome on the runway - and on television. :) And I got credit in the program for it, so that was nice. Still sucks though, since by agreeing to customize it, I've pretty much lost any chance at ever selling it. The Emcee is considering buying it from me for her Miss America run, but I haven't heard back from her yet. Cross your fingers for me, I could SERIOUSLY use the cash!

Off I go to SLEEP! :D Comments are love! And I know you love me. ;)

school, photoshoot, projects, picspam, cosplay, cons: metrocon, sewing

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