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tahirire April 28 2012, 17:00:37 UTC

*disclaimer - This post is strictly based off of assumptions based on logic.


feliciakw April 28 2012, 17:38:23 UTC
I think it's the part about having to go directly back to SPN after the movie shoot that's the key. Both he and Jared have said that they learned their lesson on that score the summer they each did MBV and F13. Burnout. (Working their butts off once a year . . . They do it for 9 months out of the year. Squeezing in a movie extends that working of butts from 9 months to 12. That's a very long "once a year," yeah ( ... )


tahirire April 28 2012, 17:40:06 UTC
Oh, no doubt, no doubt. But like it or not, Supernatural isn't going to last forever.


feliciakw April 28 2012, 17:43:16 UTC
True. And there will be something for him after. It's not like the role of Finnick is OMGthelastbestrolehewilleverbeofferedOMG! The fact that he's turning down roles in an industry that understands that he's got contractual obligations means that he's wanted. He's in demand.

Believe me, I've seen worse choices than this in someone deliberately passing by opportunities to forward his career.

And Jensen has already told us to pack our bags, because he's taking us with him to his next project.

ETA: I would also add that marriage is a lot of work, too (as you know). If he values his marriage above the acceptance of a role in a summer block buster, well, personally, I would expect nothing less of him.


tahirire April 28 2012, 17:53:20 UTC
I don't disagree with you, and obviously there will be other roles, but here's the thing.

I love Finnick. And it would mean a lot to me to have him played by someone I trust. 10 years from now, if they ever tried to make a Supernatural movie with younger people, for example, it would be very important to me for Colin to play Sam, whether he was busy or not, because I trust him. We feel protective of the characters we love and we want to see them done justice.

Obviously I care for the boys and want them to be successful, and being more aware of their lives than of other actor's lives does give me sympathy for things like their personal down time, but ultimately, I am allowed to be sad that someone I love watching act will not be playing a character I love reading.


feliciakw April 28 2012, 18:04:31 UTC
I totally get where you're coming from, and I'm not actually addressing your particular passion, but rather lk737 and the implication that the boys are purposely screwing their careers because they don't care. I get a little bristly when a fan implies that an actor's career comes first and I could tell him how it's done, and screw his personal life, his family, his professional experience, and his own life goals ( ... )


tahirire April 28 2012, 18:08:05 UTC
*Petpet* :)


feliciakw April 28 2012, 18:35:48 UTC
I am allowed to be sad that someone I love watching act will not be playing a character I love reading.

Oh, I hope I didn't give the impression that I was dissing you for that. I really wasn't. Absolutely you can want a favorite actor to play a favorite character. Definitely. I hope I didn't imply otherwise.

*will step away from the interwebz before making a bigger tempest in this particular teapot*

*also? luvs icon*


tahirire April 28 2012, 18:38:53 UTC
No worries, I get ya. :)


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