Fic: Soon

Mar 26, 2012 01:12

Title: Soon
Author: Tahirire
Word count: 200
Rating: PG
Characters: Sam, Dean, and their respective angst.
Spoilers: Vague s7, but REALLY nonspecific, although in my head it is a 7.17 tag.
Summary: Random, not thought out, off the cuff, totally confusing ambiguous pov 7.17 tag. Yay? (Seriously, I haven't even read this, let alone find a beta. You've been warned.)


He looks when he thinks you aren’t.

He’s teetering, but he won’t do it. He won’t take the fall he so desperately needs, even after everything, even after how he’s earned it; just one chance to rest, to feel safe, to feel loved. He won’t because you did, no matter how you tried not to show it, no matter how you tried to hide your slide into madness, he saw anyway. He always sees. He is the one person you can’t hide from; even when he’s not looking at you, not really, he sees.
He sees because he’s been there, been you, been over it all before. He used to be a fighter but he’s tired, and he never fought the same way you do, anyway, and now you’re tired too, just as tired as he is and it feels like the end of the world some days, which is funny, because you don’t remember it feeling like this before.

Everyone you loved is dead. Everyone you knew is dead. Every place you dared feel safe is gone. Everything, everywhere, all of it melted away, everything except him. Not him.

Not now, not yet. Not just yet.

But almost.



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