Fic Rec: The Greatest Man I never Knew

Jun 26, 2011 13:25

Haven't recced a fic in quite a long time, but I loved this. Go read it and tell icanhazpie  how awesome it is. :)

Title: The Greatest Man I Never Knew
Rating: R
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Gen
Characters: Dean, Adult!Ben, Lisa, Sam, OMC
Wordcount: 6030
Warnings: Violence, language, character death
Disclaimer: Kripke has pretty toys and was nice enough to let me play with them. Not mine, not mine, not mine.
Summary: Ben convinces Dean he didn't need to be perfect. It was enough that he was Dean.

A/N: Written to fill a wish by mobiusklein at spn_rambleon, An adult Ben finally catches up with Dean but not to yell at him but to say that he understands and that he and his mom are A-OK. Gen or het. Also fills "group support" on my hc_bingo card. Multifill FTW. Title is taken from a Reba McEntire song of the same name.


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