Cosplay Photo Shoot: Carmilla, Vampire Hunter D

Jun 23, 2011 19:08

Last week I got the chance to FINALLY do a proper shoot of my Carmilla dress. It was my very first cosplay (back in '08 I believe), and I have recently had some offers to buy it but I wanted to get good pictures of it first.
( I wanted to do it right with the red hair and yellow eyes and all of that. My only thing is that in all the last second preparations, I forgot to wear Carmilla's necklace that I made out of chain mail, grrrr. You can see it here if you like.)

Although, looking at these, now I'm having second thoughts on the whole selling it thing.

ANYWAY. My friend and fellow cosplayer who is not on lj shot these pics. They were taken at the University of Tampa campus, where apparently you can do whatever you want as long as you don't move the furniture. Suffice it to say, local school children out for a tour of the museum saw a little more than they bargained for. I also scared a janitor. But we were told several times that we were the highlight of everybody's day, so I guess that means more points for us. :) The sun was BLAZING, so we edited them the best that we could - these are things you just have to deal with when you live in Florida.

Pics under the cut - enjoy!


This is me exhausted and happy and ready to get out of the 100 million degree heat already.

And this is me attempting to faint in the bathroom.

And this one needs a caption. Leave it in the comments.

Thanks, guys!

photoshoot, picspam, cosplay, sewing

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