Fic: No Way Back, Books 1 & 2 of 3

May 14, 2011 17:27


One day, an Other would come, more powerful than any before him.
Like all Others, he would have to choose between Light and Dark,
And his choice would change the balance forever.

| download the soundtrack | see the artwatch the video summary |

a Supernatural fan fiction | R for violence | work in progress

Book One : Play Crack the Sky 
20,000 words
part one | part two | part three

Book Two : Of Wolf and Man 
37,000 words
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five

Book Three : Seven Nation Army

Book 2 is now complete and posted - all 37 k of it. (O.o) Thank you thank you THANK YOU to themonkeytwin , datenshiblue , and samidha for working our monster over. (LOL) *shifty eyes* Also, CLICK THE ART LINK, then tell themonkeytwin how amazing her hand-sketchin' skillz is.

blacklid sucks me into things, fanfic, our coms

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