TVD finale

May 12, 2011 21:51

Yeah yeah, I know, I am breaking that rule I have about never talking about my other shows. I do haz them, you know. (None of them are capital S-H-O-W, heheh, but I do haz them)


I have thoughts of a technical nature.

First, I feel, and have felt for a long time, that the writers for TVD are on some kind of Warp!Speed. The revolving door in this show ALWAYS NEEDS WD-40. I had NO idea where they would go with the main plot arc after the ritual thing last week.

Second, I am pleased and surprised by this unforseen turn of events. WELL PLAYED AGAIN, sHOW!! *polite applause*


Is it me, or do they totally forget their own backstory at least once a season just to make things more ~dramatic~ ?? In s1, there was all this hoopla about how all the tomb vampires were sealed in, underscored with ~drama~ b/c Stefan was stuck in there, too, and they only arranged to let Stefan out. Only then they turned around and created more ~drama~ by having the tomb vamps escape ANYWAY ... with absolutely no explanation as to how the hell that happened.

Then, tonight, Um, excuse me, show-with-a-little-s, I get that you need Caroline and her mommy to wrap things up and I get that Jeremy needed to be dead for more ~drama~, but what the hell with the dialogue in which they say, and I quote -

Caroline: "He has his ring, he has his ring, it's okay,"
Bonnie: "He's a human, the ring won't work on him!"
Caroline: "Okay, I got it."

... WHAT. Remember all that ~drama~ back when Damon killed Jeremy, because Jeremy wanted to be all emo and dead and stuff, and the only thing that saved him was he was wearing the exact same ring THEN? HELLO, show-with-a-little-s, THAT WAS KIND OF A BIG DEAL. *facepalm* So, idk what the hell that was. Seriously. EXPLAIN TO ME.

*ETA: someone 'splained to me in the comments. Eh, sketchy sketchy, show, but I'll take it.

Except for then, after the thoughts of a technical nature, I also have emotions.

CAROLINE AND TYLER NEED TO BE TOGETHER. I NEVER SHIP ANYONE OR ANYTHING AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO STEER A SHIP IN REAL LIFE BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. And I'm SO HAPPY that Matt wasn't a complete tool and he ended up just breaking up with her instead of trying to kill her. I was gonna come at u bro thru mah tv screen.

Jeremy is gonna be the ghost whisperer!! D: D: D: D: This appalls me because it looks less like he'll be a natural psychic and more like he is just figuring out that he is being haunted by all his exes. Ok, so the scene when Bonnie begged for Emily to bring him back because she loved him totally was making me cry, but when a ghost witch coven tells you there will be consequences, LISTEN! Omg.

(Back to technical thoughts - Vampires don't have souls. We established this last week. So HOW ARE VICKY AND ANNA HAUNTING JEREMY, EXACTLY? You are damaging my calm, show. Damaging.)

Katherine came back for Damon. Which is good. Because there would have been much disturbance in the force if Damon died. (Although is it me or were like half the Damon scenes from the promo not in the episode? The stuff like 'I don't deserve your forgiveness but I NEED it' ... anyone? Bueller?) Damon's ~death~ scene with Elena made me cry. His scene with Rosemarie was my favorite scene ALL YEAR. GUH. Sobbing mess. A MESS, I tell you.

Stefan and Claus - heh. I'd like to say that I'm worried about Stefan or whatever, but eh. He's grown on me a lot and I do like him now, and I can appreciate that he did whatever it took to save Damon, but the part I'm looking forward to most in his story line for next year is watching Damon be all dark and ragey and go and get him back. OhgodImightneedtowriteficaboutthis.

In conclusion, yay! And also what? But mostly yay. With a large dose of D'OH! thrown in.


tv: tvd

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