Wank. That I should not be posting about. Especially on Vacation. Whatever.

Dec 05, 2010 13:18

I'm laying out my opinion on SOME of the rape/misogyny wank for once and for all. And I'm pulling out my Yoruichi icon, because she's the most bad-ass chick I know. Spoilers for 6.10.

In which I am not nice. )

fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, mr beaumont dnw this fuckery, fear the wrath of the eta, we caught the narnia

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tahirire December 5 2010, 22:33:05 UTC
Show manages to gross me out on a pretty regular basis, but I expect that going in, you know? It's a HORROR show. It's hard to remember that sometimes because it's so emotional and we're so attached, but it's still true.

I agree that it would make more sense for them to all be the same. I'm more just saying that it annoys me for people to be ranting about how all nudity is, apparently, gratuitous, only to then turn around and demand that they'd like male nudity instead. *eyeroll*

And actually, when Sam was on the rack he WAS strapped down in exactly the same way - he just wasn't naked.

Realistically, it comes down to the fact that Jared and Jensen have been very vocal about not really liking doing nudity, whereas I've almost never seen Rachel with her clothes ON, in ANY show, so clearly it's not a problem for her. Some things aren't really dictated by writers at the end of the day.

Clearly the torture hasn't lost its shock value, since fandom seems to be flipping out over it. It didn't really shock me - in fact, I LIKED the scene, because Meg was a total badass and reminded me of when Dean was torturing Alistair but Alistair was totally winning. I love Meg. ♥


little_tristan December 5 2010, 23:16:21 UTC
All good points. Although having a character take her clothes off because the actress is willing to, when other characters don't because the actors aren't, still seems oddly unequal. Because Show should be more about the characters than the actors, so I'd say in that case, the girls could keep their clothes on. The writers can dictate that much.

I'm also not sure that wank equals shock. What I meant was more--how many different ways can they torture people, now that they've gotten them as naked as they can on network tv, and they're pretty much working with just the one knife? Haven't they taken it about as far as they can now? (That isn't rhetorical, although I'm not sure I want to know the answer.)

Meg is extremely cool, though. She's my favorite of the female villians. (Crowley was my favorite male--sob.) But at this point I'm just hanging in to see if Sam and Dean can get back on the same side again and achieve the unity that made the show so much fun in the beginning. Also, I want to see if they'll ever figure out that they're completely misusing the term/concept of Purgatory. If I was active in fandom, beyond reading you and two other LJers, that's what I would be wanking on day and night. :)


tahirire December 5 2010, 23:26:26 UTC
Lol, we all have our pet Things We'd Wank About. ;)


blacklid December 5 2010, 23:30:43 UTC
For all the sense that it makes for me to argue for realism when it comes to characters on this Show, I'm going to try anyway. *brilliant smile*

Sam: 1) has never SEEN anyone be tortured on that rack, he's only heard about it, and 2) most people I know might dream of themselves naked in a similar situation where they are at someone else's mercy.


What it says to me is: 1) Being mentally tortured is worse than being physically tortured. All demons laugh in the face of it on earth. They only have uttered fear of it in Hell. THAT gets overlooked A LOT. Which means that Sam was getting the Hell kind. 2) Sam knew in some capacity that he was hallucinating and was struggling to remain defiant of the influence of evil on his circumstances... a state of mind that did indeed play itself out once he was free.

In my mind, having on clothes means it's worse.


tahirire December 5 2010, 23:33:12 UTC
LOL. You suck. I was going to say that but I figured the logic, it would not stick to the internet.


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