RL weird.

Jun 15, 2010 19:39

DUDE. Ok. So today at work, this girl that I work with (duh) was telling us that she just moved into a new apartment. This morning she takes a shower and the room gets steamy, and she comes out of the shower and there is WRITING ON HER MIRROR. Without the steam you CANNOT see it and she has scrubbed the mirror and it won't come off!

It gets weirder.

It's a Bible verse. John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

It gets weirder.

She was freaking out and she called the landlady and point blank asked her if anyone had ever died in the apartment, and the landlady REFUSED TO ANSWER!!! O.O

I was torn between laughing really hard and offering to come over with some rock salt and take a look around, LOL. I told her at least it didn't say Bloody Mary!

Unrelated mostly - if you are on my flist and you are an author and you don't come join my comment!fic com, I WILL HAUNT YOU will send you an invitation until you do. :P We already have some great fics, so if you ARE NOT an author but you enjoy a good read, or want to see what someone could write for you, come prompt!!!!

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is this real life?, flistofawesome, lolwhut, our coms, ohnoes

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