Announcement! SpnQuoteFic - a comment fic meme community

Jun 13, 2010 18:46

As some of you know, I have been wanting to host a comment!fic meme for quite some time. I spoke with blacklid about it, and as per what usually happens when I speak with blacklid, we decided to make it WAY MOAR BIGGER!

I would like to introduce our new com, spnquotefic . We will be hosting a comment fic meme for every episode of Show. First up, naturally, is the Pilot! Prompts consist of a single quote or short exchange from the episode featured.
See our intro post for more details and a couple of rules.

The first meme is live, come and play!


We need prompters, authors and readers ALL to participate, so tell your friends!

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blacklid sucks me into things, fanfic, meme, our coms

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