
Mar 31, 2010 14:27

Is anyone a member at tv.com or Eclipse magazine?? And if so, would you do me a favor? I joined so I could comment HERE, but it won't let me log in. (Because it knows I'm going to yell at it.) (The original post - you can also comment there)

PLEASE, GO COMMENT. This is a review for 5.15. The woman that wrote it wrote it for Eclipse magazine, and tv.com copied it from there. She gets PAID to write reviews on OUR SHOW and on other shows, and she not only is a petty nitpicking NITPICKER, but she has LIED in her article about going back and rewatching old episodes for reference, creating a 'continuity error' where there is NOT one. She is swearing she heard Bobby tell Dean his wife's name was Lisa in DALD, and she's arguing with the commenters about it, for starters.

Why do I bring it up? Because I'm pmsing, and she's stupid, and she annoys me. I wish her inbox to be flooded with people standing up for canon.

Make it so.

flistofawesome, rage

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