Don't you just want to snuggle himz?
SRSLY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PPLS!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!?!?
I can totally imagine the poor Doctor on the other line.
"Yes, ma'am, I underSTAND that, but ... I'm telling you, I have no experience treating CORPSES."
*quits job*
Sure, feed it chicken noodle soup. That'll make it better.
Sorry, it seems I am experiencing a limited tolerance for stupidity tonight.
*checks calendar*
Oh. Crap.
I LOVE Dean gearing up to be a sniper. He reeeeeally looks like 5.4 Dean here, doesn't he?
Gotta put down some Croats, do we?
I also love that Bobby's first thought is, 'Aw Hell. Snipers incoming, hit the deck.'
Because he KNOWS, because he knows what he would do, and it's what they are doing now.
However, can I just say that just once I'd like to see Dean get to snipe something? How awesome would that be?
She looks at you. You know. She knows you know. You know she knows you know. She knows you know she knows you know.
... you know?
*single emo tear*
Meanwhile, Sheriff Mills is about to need rule number 6.
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No? Oh. Well then, carry on.
How wrong is it that me and Vikki turned to each other and went "AWWW, BABY!SAM!"
Very, very, very wrong. We are going to fangirl Hell.
Dear Cappers,
FAIL. FAIL ON YOU. You had a chance to cap a little boy zombie walking while HOLDING HIS FATHER'S DANGLING INTESTINES LIKE A SECURITY BLANKET, and you FAILED.
THIS is where I really felt for Sheriff Mills. They were stupid, but that was their KID, and it's not like SamnDean have never been stupid when it came to each other, and it's her HUSBAND and her KID and her KID just ATE her HUSBAND and the part of me not busy going GROSSGROSSGROSS is really thinking about bursting into tears.
Sam knows exactly what to say to get her to focus. It's what John or Dean would have said to him if he'd ever lost it on a hunt back in the day. She's a Sheriff, so he already knows she has the training for a situation like this as much as any human can, he just has to get it to kick in.
I can't stomach the thought of Sam killing a kid. I think about how awful he felt lying to the ghost boy in Death Takes a Holiday. Luckily, this particular zombie .... ain't a kid no more. Still, I know he had a hard time with it, later. And so did Dean, when he heard what happened. There's nothing worse than putting down a kid.
Ugh, it's like Heart all over again.
I've been re-watching this scene over and over trying to think of something to say, and there just ... isn't anything. He loves her, she loves him, it's really, really her, and she's about to become something neither of them wants her to be, and she just wants him to be okay when she's gone, and it's just sad.
Oh, yeah. And Death sent Bobby a love note.
As soon as the screen cut to Dean me and Vikki were screaming at the tv, all, 'ZOMG WHAT DID HE SAY.' Okay, mostly me. What? I lived through the whole In My Time of Dying to Hunted secret keeping marathon of doom in real time, and I'm still twitchy. I didn't trust them to tell us by the end of the episode, okay?
Oh, Bobby.
Maybe I've seen CSI too many times, but the way this is added to the fact that Bobby is in a wheelchair, and is right-handed, in my head means that he'd have had to lean over her a long ways to get the gun on the left side of her head which means his face was in her face which means he leaned over her and kissed her goodbye and then pulled the trigger and does anyone have any happy pills I can borrow?
No time to wallow in the sadness, though. Because you know what time it is now?
Time to nut up or shutup.
And now we pause for a quick tutorial.
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Everybody got that? Ok. GO.
While I'm reveling in the Jus in Bello feel of this scene, I'm also saddened by the fact that the townspeople (lol I said townspeople) see Bobby as the town drunk. Even more saddening is the fact that he WAS the town drunk - at least while Dean was dead. You wonder how many more hits he can take, then you think of how many Sam and Dean have taken and you get all amazed all over again at how they even get out of bed in the morning.
Not sure exactly where they're headed except Dean is probably thinking he should go help Sam rescue EVERYONE and he needs to get Bobby out of that house, like, NOW.
But they gotta pack first.
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Dean's not just offering for Bobby to sit this one out b/c he knows he's wrecked. In fact, it's BECAUSE he's wrecked that he probably SHOULDN'T sit this one out. But Dean knows that an unfocused person is a liability on a hunt, and he just missed losing Bobby and he's not willing to take the risk of maybe losing him anyway if Bobby will agree to stay behind.
Ok, so these caps aren't very good for showing how many amazing head shots there were this week - but if you look real close at this one, the DUDE IS MISSING HALF HIS HEAD. And they were ALL LIKE THAT.
They were exploding all OVER the place and it was AWESOME.
(Remember in s1 when they wouldn't let Show air Dean getting shot in the head b/c it was 'too graphic'? And they had to cut it up into single shots that 'implied' instead of 'showing' it? Lol. How far you've come, Show. <3)
This could be bad, but luckily, Bobby knows the rules.
Again. NO CAP of Dean blowing off the zombie's head at close range. Fail.
Dean's close-range head shot was a close second contender for Zombie Kill of the Week, but we, your judges, felt like Sam deserved it. Because he stuck he gun IN HER MOUTH.
Time out - I think I just threw up a little in the back of my throat again.
Ok go.
Of all the things for Bobby not to have around the house.
Dear Dean,
Shakily yours,
Dear Dean,
I can only imagine how much fun this was for Jensen you.
Love, T.
Oh wait. I don't have to imagine. *g* Thanks, Jim!!
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Wow, that is a big closet. And is that a star-patterned bouncy ball and a baseball glove on the top shelf?
Now I'm imagining wee!SamnDean playing at Uncle Bobby's house when they were kids.
Damn you, plot bunnies.
It is a REALLY good thing that closet door isn't made of glass.
Or else Dean would be looking at THIS.
Dean, stop wondering! You don't want to see it.
Ok, I admit it. I lied. It really looks more like this.
*hides, too - but not in a closet*
Lookit. Dean's ohcrap face.
"Don't you ever get tired of bein' wrong?"
Heh. I'm kind of with Bobby on this one.
I get the 'Makin' this stuff up as I go' thing, but when have they EVER encountered ANY zombie that wasn't intelligent?
Remember Angela?
SAM FTW! I love that as soon as 10 minutes went by his first thought was "UUUUUGH. They're probably after DEAN, figures, c'mon, Sheriff," and he comes straight back to save everyone.
Again, no cap, but ... blood ON the camera FTW! Score one for the effects team, because HOLY CRAP.
Damn, that's juicy.
There's a rule for that.
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Congratulations! You've just survived the first Zombie portion of the Apocalypse!
What are you gonna do next!?
Clean up, obviously.
So, to recap -
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And don't you forget it.
Something about some of these caps, the way the fire is framing Sam, gives me chills.
Trepidations. I have trepidations.
Are those actually separately wrapped heads on sticks?
I love my Show.
I really liked Sheriff Mills. She totally reminded me of Kathleen from The Benders. In the end, they both had to figure out how to live with knowing what had happened to their loved ones, and neither of them thought the knowledge made things any better. For Sheriff Mills, though, she has the added guilt of it kind of being her own fault her husband is dead.
She's going to have a rough time.
'Is that everyone?'
"All but one."
Bobby's line about "How many times am I gonna have to kill her?" reminds me of 'How many times do I gotta watch him die?'
Dean saying at least Bobby got 5 more days has apparently rubbed some people the wrong way, like he's being tactless. I don't think so. I think Dean, at any point in time, would have killed to spend 5 more days with the only woman he's ever had to use as a reference for this sort of thing - his mom. And he's had the chance to a few times, and even though it always ended up painful for him, he's NEVER wished he hadn't had those times with her.
Of course Bobby's relationship with Karen is different, but I still see it as Dean trying to reach out through a mutual experience to help ease his friend's pain.
"Death came for me."
'What? Why you?'
"Because I'm helping you, you sons of bitches! I'm one of the reasons you're still sayin' no to Lucifer, Sam!"
It's awful for Bobby that he's lost so many people (Ellen and Jo, for instance) that Death had to bring someone back from the grave just so he'd have another person to lose - but all I could think here was great, just what Sam needs right now, MORE guilt.
Send Sam straight into panic mode, why don't you.
They can both feel their support being stripped away, person by person. I don't do this very often, but Imma reference the Deathly Hallows, because it was such a perfect example of this - Harry deciding to sacrifice himself (ie: Sam and Dean deciding to say yes) because he can't take other people stepping in between him and danger and getting killed because of it anymore.
blacklid : The reason they want Bobby to be able let her go is because they want to know he'll be okay when THEY go. Because they WANT to go... on their terms. They've had enough of all of this and they literally have no choice BUT to be together, because that's the only way they're staying human.
That's Sam's never again face, and frankly, I'm terrified what that might mean.
*fade out*
~The end
Until next time .... don't forget my favorite rule - Enjoy the Little Things.