
Jan 10, 2010 22:24

Tagged by lsketch42 !

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

Okay here goes...

1) The night before going scuba diving in the ocean, I ALWAYS watch 'Jaws'.
2) I have serious friend codependency issues.
3) I am actually offended that they are remaking Karate Kid to the point of nausea.
4) When I found out that Jonathan Brandis died, my old roommate and I cried for 2 weeks.
5) There are 3 Country songs that I cannot listen to without sobbing my eyes out, and they are all about Soldiers. When I hear them starting up I change the channel to avoid car wrecks.
6) I have chosen to handle venomous snakes before to get out of holding a parrot.
7) I sew, but all the patterns are in my head. Drawing things out is useless to me.

I tag ... hmm. lotr_lemmy ,erinrua ,tangeloglow ,dhark_charlotte , anthrodork ,alison_sky , and windscryer . If you've done it already, just ignore!

ETA: WOW. None of those were about Show. Aren't you proud? 
ETA the second: Forgot to mention the other day, I listed the Supernatural chain mail charm bracelet I made over at etsy. Check it out! There, I mentioned Show. I feel better now.

epic show pwns everything, tagged, meme, archimatta

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