*Drive by post*

Jan 10, 2010 11:47

Stayed up 23 hours and 45 minutes yesterday. Totally worth it 'cos I got to talk with mah lotr_lemmy  and nariana_staris  and co for a long time, and open my Christmas present from them which was so fun!

lotr_lemmy  YOUR DRAGON CON DVD ROCKED!!!!! *happy times sigh*

Also, new header. I cleaned a ton of stuff out of my bathroom last night, and I was throwing out a bunch of old makeup I never use, and I decided hey - why not have fun with it first. For the color in the header, I used my windows photo editor. It would be way awesomer but I don't have my good software anymore. But the makeup I used was red, so it still turned out ok. :) Good times.

Some say time wasting ... I say good cosplay practice. :D

tahirire tahirire  tahirire  tahirire 

is this real life?, flistofawesome, tahirire needs counseling, lemmy is made of awesome, squee, cosplay

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