Carmila photos, 'cause I'm a DORK. *glee*

Jun 21, 2008 16:22

Ok, so some of you know that I sew, and this year I made my very first Cosplay, it is Carmila, the Vampire Queen from Vampire Hunter D. ( a really excellent anime, if you haven't seen it. It's kind of old.)

Anyway, here she is in all her glory. No, that's not my real hair. Yes, those are my real ... you know. *snerk* comments are love!

I plan to ( Read more... )

cons: megacon, projects, cosplay

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teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 20:59:50 UTC
Omg, that is fabulos!!!! EEKKK!!

*loves it madly*

Oh oh oh!

You! WHY DO YOU NOT LOVE ME?!?!?! I mean, I know You're computer and your roomate are being stupid, but would it kill you to drop me a line? :(

Oh, and Do you think you might Go to Eyecon? You're a hell of a lot closer then I am. :D


tahirire June 21 2008, 22:24:54 UTC
Aww!!! I'm sorry!! I've been checking my email at the LIBRARY!!

After keeping up on news and replying to comments I haz no timez for emailz!!

*hugs you*

My idiot roomate promised that this week it will be fixed. Cross fingers!!!


teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 22:28:47 UTC
Well you know what? You should give him a smack.

And I've decided to go to Eyecon, as long as I keep my acceptance to Trent. I mean really, what can my parents do If I wanna go to Flordia for four days? Espically if I keep get the money.

and also, you look damn hot in your dress :P


tahirire June 21 2008, 22:35:44 UTC


My room is full, but I have several people that may go still that might need a roomie if you're interested. Or you can just join the comm and set it up that way.

YAY!!!!! *thud* oops. I'm not a very good dancer.

Also? Thank you, I can be hot sometimes. With enough makeup and a wig and fangs, that is. :-)


teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 22:38:11 UTC
I can never be hot, not even a prom. So feel proud. :D

I am going. I WILL GO. I dunno If my mom'll let me, but If I'm in university then they'll have no control. :D



tahirire June 21 2008, 22:47:39 UTC



teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 22:50:24 UTC

And you know what? I think I could convince them. I mean, I've never taken a plane ANYWHERE before. I need to do it at leaste once in my life. And If I do have classes when it's on...well too bad, I'm not going. I was checking it out on the intrent, and I could afford it all at the moment.

What kind of ticket are you getting, which events are you going to, ect. Oh! Maybe you could meet me at the airport? That'd be SOOOOOO COOL! :D

*Is freaking out*


tahirire June 21 2008, 23:10:14 UTC
Larua and me got the $95 preferred.

Platinum isn't worth the extra to me b/c the concerts are only $10 each, so really for your money you only get the platinum party, where I'm sure Fred will be drunk ... again.

I'd just get a reserved seat of some level (saves you TONS of time waiting in line) and then pick the other events that you want. They are all sold separately. I'm saving my $$ for photos and the autographs that I don't have that I'm hoping to add, like, oh, I dunno ... JENSEN AND JDM! *dies from hope*

Depending how your flight schedule is, I MAY be able to pick you up from the airport ... we can look into it. I have a lot of people that may actually need rides, and I'm not actually from Orlando, just driving in, so I'm not sure when I'll get there, etc.

I haven't decided on banquets or anything yet, I'm reserving my funds for photo ops, but I will be at both concerts for sure.


teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 23:23:16 UTC

hahaha. I think the party'd be good though. I mean, I've never been to a con before (Actually, I've never been ANYWHERE before), and I figure if I'm gonna go it might as well be all-out. XD Plus, I don't even know the people at the concerts. *blink* I might go...maybe.

I am SOOO hitting the photo ops! AHHHH! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am so going to work my ass off this summer so I can buy a bunch of crap while there. Omg. I'm already planning what I'll buy. *squee*

So, for these rooms (At the comm or whatever) how long do you think it'll take to fill up. Cause like I said, I wanna wit till I'm sure I didn't lose trent to commit to anything. Like a 5 and a half hour trip on ecomany class. :P

I have absolutely NO idea what kind of ride I'd get. I guess I could always get a cab...Ohhhh...That poses another thing I need to do. Convert some Canadian deniro into American :)


tahirire June 21 2008, 23:26:58 UTC
I'm not sure ... last time I only found out about it like 1 month beforehand, and so I booked my room late, but that was the first one and no one knew about it, this time lots of people are going so I'd book it soon if possible.


teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 23:31:16 UTC
Grrr. Damnit. That's not good.

Why do I have to love a popular show?!

(Little voice in the back of my head: Because you know if you didn't there wouldn't even BE a convention to go to. Plus, you wouldn't have a show to love. No fans equals low ratings, which equals cancellation. doy)

Me: Shut up.


tahirire June 21 2008, 23:32:55 UTC

Trust me, it's worth it. They are all so great. Especially Jared. Although word is that they are trying to book Jensen as well, and Jeffery Dean Morgan. *crosses fingers really hard*


teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 23:35:14 UTC



*Crosses he fingers and arms and legs and eyes and anything else i can possibly cross*


tahirire June 21 2008, 23:47:43 UTC
Yep. Cross 'em all.


I must drive back to my computer-less house now. *sigh*

Catch you later ... I hope... *kicks technology*


teardrop_tattoo June 21 2008, 23:48:55 UTC

*sobs hystarically while clinging onto your leg*


tahirire June 21 2008, 23:53:04 UTC
AWww, dun be sad. *pets*

night night.


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