Carmila photos, 'cause I'm a DORK. *glee*

Jun 21, 2008 16:22

Ok, so some of you know that I sew, and this year I made my very first Cosplay, it is Carmila, the Vampire Queen from Vampire Hunter D. ( a really excellent anime, if you haven't seen it. It's kind of old.)

Anyway, here she is in all her glory. No, that's not my real hair. Yes, those are my real ... you know. *snerk* comments are love!

I plan to ( Read more... )

cons: megacon, projects, cosplay

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telperaca June 21 2008, 20:56:58 UTC
Dark and sexy! You look very good in it! :D


tahirire June 21 2008, 22:25:40 UTC
Thank you! It took me forever to make! I decided to take a break from sewing and write some fanfic.

... well, you can see how that is turning out. ;-)


telperaca June 21 2008, 22:28:00 UTC
Lol, and what's on the fanfic menu tonight :p
Don't starve me! :p

One thing I don't understand though is you've put so much effort into the dress, and it's turned out amazing, so why do you wanna sell it?


tahirire June 21 2008, 22:33:00 UTC
Well, I said I MIGHT sell it, if the price was right. Honestly it's worth about $500.00.

I can think of tons of stuff to use that money for, also it takes up a heck of a lot of space in my closet.

Also I'm working on a new one that will be just as awesome, and so it's kind of a been-there, done-that kind of thing. Onwards and upwards. :-)

As for the fic menu ... easy there, killer. I'm working on 3 stories right now, including the next one for the Spirit 'verse, so you won't starve on my watch any time soon. ;-)


telperaca June 21 2008, 22:40:01 UTC
Gooog gurl! I know there was a reason I loved you a lot!

Ah, I see your point, I think!
I think I might be a sentimental rat pack though!
The next design looks promising too! *very promising*
:p *hugs*


tahirire June 21 2008, 22:47:12 UTC

Yeah, it's gorgeous, but LOOK AT ALL THAT RIBBON! *whines*

Thing is, I emailed the artist and asked for advice on how to do the corset front since it's not in the painting, and dang if she didn't write me back like, the NEXT DAY and send me sketches, so now I HAVE to finish it because she's waiting on pictures. :-) But srsly, how cool is that, though. Very cool, I think. *facepalm* How do I get myself into these messes. Gah.


telperaca June 21 2008, 22:49:45 UTC
I think that should be a big bunch of motivation infact! :D
The artist must be really sweet to have taken her time to reply back too, and I'm surprised too! :D Usually people take a while to reply back!
I'm sure it's going to be gorgeous!
Blind faith, that's what it's called! :p


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