A question for my London-based peeps

Jul 02, 2012 00:24

(Apologies for using the word peeps, I don't know what came over me)

My baby sister (not so much a baby any more) is looking for a place to live in London as of the end of August, preferably not too expensive (by London standards, obviously) that is bigger than a box room, which is what she has now. Does anybody have any suggestions for places she might look to find such a place, or indeed does anyone have any suggestions of a specific place?

Any help on this would be much appreciated, since my London-fu is weak on the housing front. My skills in locating comic book shops are not helpful at this juncture, though I did once consider slinging a hammock from the ceiling of Forbidden Planet and living there only to emerge at nightfall and peruse the shelves undetected. I didn't say it was a good plan.
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