Livejournal, come on. [Scrapbook Going Away]

Apr 28, 2012 18:41

Originally posted by browngirl at Livejournal, come on. [Scrapbook Going Away]
Originally posted by zeitgeistic at Livejournal, come on.
Alright, I am not drunk enough to deal with this, so I'm just going to put out this PSA:

Livejournal Scrapbook is going away and will be replaced by the mysterious "Photo Album". Your 10GB of Paid Member space is now 2GB. If you care, there is an explanation in Russian on the Russian news page. There's also a user-submitted translation.

+ You will no longer have access to your Scrapbook once this goes live.
+ Your images will redirect, but the URL will be different.
+ Unable to tell what will happen to any photos you have that put you over the 2GB limit.
+ Back up your Scrapbook just in case.
+ If you want your photos transferred over now instead of waiting, let them know here.

Thanks to storyfan for telling me about this (relevant comments on page 13): For now at least, you can still upload/manage your scrapbook via

My comment: And it won't let me delete those I don't need. Nice, LJ. So you impose a lower size limit but won't let me conform to your requirements.
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