Had a girl friend cancel on a get-together today. Yesterday my get-together with another girlfriend was postponed by almost an hour (because she could not be ready on time). I spent that hour visiting yet another girl friend with whom I have a policy of only seeing spontaneously because she flaked on every single thing that we planned for the last
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Also, it's not so much about being late. I mean, it usually takes a bit longer to (for example) get dinner prepared than I expect and it's nice to have the "buffer" provided by late guests. Most people in CA are a little late, especially for social stuff, that's normal, even expected.
What I'm talking about is extreme unreliability: canceling at the last minute, lateness of more than an hour, lack of awareness (or concern) for how it affects others (me), or (worst of all) being flakey and refusing to own up to or take responsibility for it. You don't fit into these categories at all. Yes, you tend to be late and I take that into account. But you always show up.
You've never flaked on anything important. You own your actions instead of getting defensive. And you've also always been there when I really needed you, no matter what else was going on in your life.
Also, I'm just out of patience because it seems like it's everyone, yanno? When it's all of your friends (or all except one, possibly being with Gay - who IS reliable - is what triggered my awareness of the flakeyness of my other friends) that's too much. A couple of flakes in a friends circle is entertaining, a circle composed of nothing else is exasperating.
Yeah, when it turns into being everyone, there's a problem. Exasperating would be the word, fo' sho'.
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