Mar 09, 2011 22:40
[entry code: Dear Diary]
My sister's pointed out that I haven't contacted her in a while. Accurate. I should feel a little bad, but as you've noticed, I haven't written in here either. I...WANT to...only, not now. Not for many days, cuz I've been feeling pretty crappy.
Just a little of that "crap" is physical. The majority is because work is constantly in flux, the break that I've been waiting for in vain is 1.5 weeks past-due, and my coworker (the one who I'm supposed to work with) has decided not to talk to me.
A Huff.
This, FYI, is the same coworker that saw nothing wrong with trashing that script I mentioned a couple months ago without so much as a by-the-way. I'm not terribly surprised, but with everything else - oh, did I mention that my paycheck hasn't been fully paid this past month and is now, what, nine days late? - I'm really starting to hate work.
And I feel like a in-depth this-is-my-life entry is in order...but, I just don't have the energy for it.
On the other hand, there's Code-Name: Fox. A whole 'nother stress...which I don't think I'd understand coming from another person until now. You can have this great guy and have things going relatively well but it'll still be stressful. Or maybe that's just because I make a point of going to Seoul every weekend that he doesn't come here. Someone will have to let me know, if even the good developing relationships are stressful.
Again, more on this later. More on all-it-all. Career, Money, Friends, Love...the whole Tarot Reading. Seriously. That's my plan for the "big" entry.
dear diary