hello again (Dear Diary)

Jun 23, 2013 19:37

[entry code: Dear Diary]

Hello. Sorry I've neglected you. I've had some trouble getting balance back in my life. So there're many things I want to do... Mostly though, when I have free time, I try to see friends. I hadn't really got to do that for so long that it's subconsciously become my top priority.
Which means school-prep, GuildWars2/minecraft, Livejournal, and even my story writing have taken a back seat.
Just need to find a good balance is all.
Part of it is that I'm contributing to work at my sister's place, where I'm currently living. Mostly babysitting, plus some cleaning, cooking, and shopping. But I'm generally the sort to be too tired after a full work day - and I currently work four days a week, ten hours a day, which is WORSE, plus the extra stuff I do for my sister...
It's a little unfair. Sure, I "need" the money, but I'd rather pay rent so I didn't feel like I had to help. But my sister refuses. Prolly smart of her, as I'd only pay like $200 anyway. Hey, that's pretty fair (maybe $300 is more fair) - I have very little access to the kitchen and the bathroom due to the babyroom's location and the 'mom's location.

What I really miss is the idea of using the regular livejournal posting as a way of practicing my writing. I wasn't doing a good job of it, sure - of writing posts that challenged my skills and promoted their development - but it was a work in progress. And if I weren't writing a rather messed-up fanfic-slash story at the moment, I'd post or link pieces of it here, so I'd have a more regular record of my writing attempts. But I'd really...you know...plausible deniability, that sorta thing. It's not a very clean fic, is what I'm saying.

Lastly, keep yer eyes open for Supreme Court announcements. It's the last thing on my 'list' - of all the things that have been 'in the air' lately. They've announced some pretty big things so far, and in my opinion their decisions have been pretty smart, but the two cases involving DOMA and gay marriage have yet to be decided on, so.

I miss my 'Fox'. He doesn't chat with me as much any more. I know he's not doing well, and he's got family and work stress, but I'm worried he's also just distancing naturally... :( ...but I've scheduled a trip to visit him. I love him. But I feel we're mostly on 'hold', relationship-wise, and you can't really do that indefinitely. 'Prolly worrying for nothing though.

gay marriage, routine, doma, 'fox', dear diary

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