I did a few more of these. Only eight this time, so I guess it evens out since I did two extra the first time. :P
Here are the rules again.
1. Pick a character, fandom, pairing, friendship, whatever.
2. Put on your music program on shuffle/random and start playing songs.
3. For each song, write something inspired by the song related to the theme you chose earlier. You only have the song length. No pre-planning and no writing after the song is over. No skipping songs either.
4. Do 10 songs and post. Make sure to include the song name/artist.
Cross posted to bau_fic, cm_slash, morganreid_cm and morgan_garcia.
Take It Easy by Bright Eyes (Pairing: Morgan/Reid, Rating G)
Reid watched Morgan pace back and forth as the weatherman took his time getting to the actual weather. They had planned to go to the beach during their vacation, but now it was rumored to rain all week.
"Let's just go anyway," Reid said. "It'll be an adventure."
The sun was high as they laid the blanket across the sandy ground. It could have been down pouring, but they would have enjoyed each other's company no matter what.
Two Weeks in Hawaii by Hellogoodbye (Pre-slash: Morgan/Reid, Rating: G)
It was rare, but the BAU did work cases separately. That explained why Reid was going crazy. Morgan was on a case in Hawaii and the UNSUB had alluded Morgan and Gideon for two weeks.
Every day Reid wrote Morgan a letter along with the one for his mother. He didn't even care if it made his infatuation with the older agent painfully obvious. He had only worked with Morgan a few months (7 months and 20 days to e exact) but he knew he was special.
Morgan was nice to him and didn't always groan when he started ranting. 'This could happen', Reid thought as his heart sped up.
Buried a Lie by Senses Fail (Characters: Reid, Rossi, original Rating: PG-13)
The BAU was floating around ideas at the police station when the boyfriend of the last victim walked in.
"I know who did it," he said. He was covered in dirt and looked like he hadn't slept in days.
Reid and Rosi went with him to the cemetery. John, the boyfriend, had dug up the body. He claimed he could prove who poisoned her because he found the poison in her grave.
The only fingerprints on the vial were his.
December by Weezer (Pairing: Morgan/Reid Rating: G)
The fire crackled in front of Reid and Morgan as they sat curled up on the couch sipping wine. It had been snowing all day and they were content just staying inside. The half moon shone in through the window, the only light besides the fire. This was love: pure and simple.
Keep Your Eyes Peeled by The Automatic Automatic (Characters: Morgan, Reid Rating: PG-13)
"Please keep your eyes on the road Morgan," Reid said as Morgan quickly pulled a U-turn.
"I'm paying attention," Morgan replied through gritted teeth. "There's no way out of this damn forest. This is ridiculous."
"If you had only asked..."
"Oh, don't pull that on me Reid. We will find that police station."
Take Me Home Please by Reggie and the Full Effect (Pairing: Morgan/Reid Rating: PG-13)
Reid suddenly felt claustrophobic. He scanned the dance floor for Morgan who had asked him to come to this dreadful place. After another ten minutes waiting, Reid took out his phone to call Morgan.
He could hear a phone ringing to his right, but didn't realize it was Morgan until he was pressed against his side.
"Wanna dance?" Morgan asked his voice dripping with lust.
"You know, you could have asked me to a nice restaurant or something."
"But I will be for our anniversary. I wanted to have fun tonight."
Pretty Odd by Panic at the Disco (Characters: Garcia, Kevin, Reid, Morgan Rating: G Note: This one is a bit goofy. Nothing to do with the song. It just popped in my head.)
"Luke didn't kiss Leia after he knew she was his sister!" Kevin yelled. "You trying to make me out to be a liar?"
"Sweetie, no offense but I think the genius would remember it better," Garcia sad patting her defeated boyfriend's shoulder.
"Kevin, don't feel bad. that kiss was to cause Han Solo to feel jealous," Reid assured.
Morgan sat quietly in the corner wondering why he agreed to come to one of Garcia's pretty odd parties.
Honorable Mention by Fall Out Boy (Pairing: Morgan/Garcia Rating: G)
Garcia knew this was cheesy. She couldn't even remember what possessed her to do this, but here she was. Standing outside of Morgan's house. Hoisting a boom box over her head. Blasting that God awful song. It was embarrassing, but that was okay because Morgan was smiling and tossing a key down to her.
Thank you Mr. Cusack.